Chapter One

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Hi! Welcome to my New Book!
EllaNora (main character) on side.


Chapter One-

My alarm sounded of course... It just had to be my first day of college.

I groaned and slammed my hand down on the clock. At least I thought it was the clock... Nope it was the edge of my night table. I cried out in pain.

I got up and walked to the bathroom.
I looked at my arm while opening the door to it and hit my toe on the side table. again.. I cried out in pain.

Well, now I know that these tables doesn't want me at school. I walk towards the shower and turn it on.
I take off my clothes and take a quick shower.

"HURRY UP ELLANORA" my big brother, Lewis calls

"SHUT IT IM HURRYING!!!" I yell back.

I grab my towel and rapped it around my self. I walk towards my phone to see what time it is. 6:00


I run towards my walk through closet and grab my crop tee and white see through sweater and skinny jeans and high heal boots.

I put them on and grabbed my book bag and phone. Then I walk downstairs.

"NORA!!!!" Lewis yells.

"I'm right here. geez" I say

"Oh hi.. GO TO SCHOOL" he laughs evily

"Your so weird" I say back smirking at him

He points to the front door

"Alright I'm going" I walk toward the front door and wave over my shoulder. Knowing my bro waved back.

I walk toward my car. Lemonade.
Don't judge me. I did name my car because its yellow.
Well, my brother is weird. So he named her.

I open the door to my car and go in. I start my car and look towards the passenger seat. I ride off to school.


I'm now sitting in English period 4.

Math- Period 1
History- Period 2
Biology- Period 3
English- Period 4
Lunch/ Health- Period 5
Gym- Period 6
Music- Period 7
End of day.

I hate how long each class is. But honestly I love school. I love the homework, the food and other amazing stuff.

"Nora!" Someone whispers to me, kicking me out of my thoughts almost making me fall.
"What Lucy." I look toward my best friend Lucy.

"Pay attention the teacher called on you" She says back giggling

"Oh.. Yes Mrs. Gold?"

"Answer this quotation" She says starring at me.

I look at the board.

Board: How saved the USA's mental hospital

"Umm Logan Softleran?" I say

"Correct" she says knowing I guessed

The bell rings. I snicker knowing the teacher was gonna yell at me for no reason.

I grabs my stuff and head to Health with Lucy tailing me.

"You know we're lucky." Lucy's says.

"How?" I say not really paying attention to her.

"Pay attention" mocking Mrs.Golds voice

"Fine. Why are we lucky" i say in a pretend girly voice.

She giggles. Im honestly shy. but I'm not shy to... The teachers and Lucy and Lewis. Im Shy to everyone else.

"Because we have the same schedule" She says cheering, jumping up an down.

I laugh. "I know. But I gotta love the fact your childish" I giggle.

She sticks her tongue out at me.

"Whatever" I roll my eyes.


"IM HOME" I yell.

"I know I see you" I see Lewis looking at me

"Oh. Hiiiiiiiiii" I say

"HI" he says mocking my voice

"Your just like Lucy, Bro" I say laughing at him.

"Nope. Im like YOU and LUCY" He yells you and Lucy and pops the p in nope.

"Your so weird." I laugh harder

"Just like you" He laughs with me.

"Right were so weird." I say.


Tears roll down my face as blood rolled down my head. As my parents continue to hit me.

"Your so useless!" My mother spats as me she punches me.

"P-p-please stop." I say

"DID WE TELL YOU TO TALK!!!!" My dad booms at me hitting me hard on the knee.

Soon after my parents got bored and left me to bleed to death.

"N-Nora!!!" Lewis yells at me running to my bloody child body. He swore under his breath.

(Lewis is 24 but in the flash back he is 14 and Nora is 19 and in the flashback she is 10)

Lewis carries me to the hospital.

"What happened?!?" A nurse nearby yells at Lewis.

"My parents are abusers" Lewis says softly.

Soon after my parents were sent to jail forever for almost killing me and we left California to Texas.

--End of FlashBack--

"You ok?" Lewis says softly worried.

"Yea just had a flashback" I say easing him.

"You've been getting them a lot lately" he says.

"I know I have my head" I say sarcastically.

He smirks at me.

"I'm going to bed." I say and walk to the stairs. "g' night bro, and don't worry I finshed my homework! Luv ya"

"Ok night luv ya tooooooo" he mocks me.

"Shut it" I say and go to my room and get into pjs and jump on my bed.

Second I hit my soft pillow I fall asleep.


It turned dark for a bit hehe.





And Love this book!

<3 Kat Out

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