the beginning

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Ren yawns and opens his locker. Asano had asked him to reorganize some files so it was really late and the corridors were completely empty.

A picture of Asano flutters out of his locker and lands on the floor "whoops" Rem mutters picking up the picture and looking at it. It was a picture Araki had taken mid-study session of Asano teaching a student geometry, Asano was leaning on the desk and smiling slightly.

"Night Sano" Ren says planting a light kiss on picture Asanos face.

"Well, well well" Ren spins around to see the schools number one red head devil smiling and walking toward him.

"A-Akabane?" Ren asks blushing. There was no way he saw that right? 

Karma smirks sensing weakness "who would have thought Ren Sakakibara our residents playboy would be secretly in love with none other than his boss- oops I mean best friend Gakushuu Asano" Karma's smile grows "I wonder what he will think if he saw this little video?" Ren suddenly notices a camera in Karma's hand

"please, please don't tell him" Ren practically begs as beads of sweat appear on his forhead

"ehhh? is Sakakibara shy?" Karma teases "are you embarrassed about liking boys?

"no! I'm not public about being bi but I'm not embarrassed! in fact Asano already knows! I just don't want him to know I like him" Ren answers 

"oh good" Karma says  "I would never out someone , but now that I know Asano knows I can use this to ruin your life no prob!" Karma laughs at the shocked look on Ren's face "I'm kidding! I'll keep your secret, but-" Karma walks closer and looks Ren in the eye  "from this moment on, you do everything I say or I'll spill"

Ren keeps eye contact for a few seconds before looking away "fine" he surrenders

"bow down and say, very well king Karma" karma orders leaning back and smiling

Ren falls into a bow "very well kin-agh" Karma had stepped on his fingers

"I'm sorry what?" Karma asks

"very well king Karma"

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