He's Back

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"Why are you on the roof stiles? You're gonna freak him out! Just be civil and knock on the freaking door!" You scolded softly, shaking your head.

He just stuck his tongue out and continued walking on Scott's roof.

"Idiot." You mumbled, preparing to use your powers if he fell off the roof.

You could hear scott creeping down the stairs and worried what was about to happen. You knew how jumpy he was.

The door opened and your brother flipped upside down, screaming when scott raised a baseball bat.

"Stiles what are you doing?!" Scott screeched, placing a hand over his racing heart.

"You weren't answering your phone! Why do you have a bat?" Stiles rushed.

You sighed and made your way to them, "He probably thought you were a predator! What kind of person goes walking on a roof?!"

Scott pointed at you, nodding. Stiles just rolled his eyes.

"Anyway. I overheard my dad on the phone. Two joggers found a body in the woods."

"Dead body?" Scott questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Stiles dropped from the roof and looked at you like, 'is he serious.'

"No a body of water-" he started.

"Yes dumbass a dead body!" You finished.

"I still don't see why you two are here."

"Well I'm assuming stiles wants to go look for it." You deadpanned.

"No. Hell no. We have school tomorrow. And lacrosse tryouts!" Scott protested.

"We sit on the bench Scottie. C'mon!" Stiles tried again.

Scott rolled his eyes and gave in, "Fine. but If we get caught, I'm taking y/n and we are running away."

"Sorry Scottie boy. No can do. I'm supposed to protect the hyperactive spaz I call my baby brother."

That got you a hard smack in the back of the head.

"Know what? I think I'll go with you scott. My brother can deal with dad himself." You scoffed, rubbing your head. "I'll just tell him I was asleep and didn't hear stiles leave the house."

"Just get in the jeep!" Stiles called to you exasperated.

You chuckled with a smirk and got in the passenger's seat. Stiles drove off towards the woods.

You all got out after he parked and heard scott complaining again.

"You're the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town!" Stiles sassed.

'Oh if you only knew what I protect you from' you thought, keeping an eye out for the alpha Derek warned you about.

Scott and Stiles had ran ahead when you got a phone call. You checked the caller ID and saw Derek's name. You quickly answered.



Der? Whats going on?

I'm back. I need you.

Your breath hitched. You had no idea he was coming back and the way his voice broke when he said that made your heart shatter.

Ok. I'll see you in a minute. Do you want me to stay on the phone? You sound like you shouldn't be alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2022 ⏰

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