2.2 - A Harmony

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The day went on without a problem. Yatora's headache faded as the medicine began to work.

"-You really didn't think to ask me before this?" Yakumo asked, cigarette in hand. Apparently Yakumo had realized he liked Yatora way before Yatora did.

"Dude, I didn't know I liked you until this morning, no, I didn't think to ask you about being hopelessly in love with me." Yatora retorted, leaning back against the balcony.

Yakumo snorted, "Really?" Yatora nodded, "Then I might have realized you liked me before you did. I see the way you stare at my ass-"

"HAH! You wish," Yatora took a daring step closer to Yakumo, "The only thing I stare at is your art," He took the cigarette out of his hand, taking a tug of it. The sweet release of nicotine flowing through his veins. It had been a while since he last smoked.

"I know something else you'd stare at," he replied seriously, putting his foot in between Yatora's, slotting them together, "Although it's not as vulgar as what you're imagining."

That simply comment had his face burning up. His headache had faded with time, but suddenly he could feel his heartbeat in his head again.

These were moments he loved, just the fitting silence between conversations, whether it be with friends, family, or in this case a lover. The times when the air didn't feel thick, no tension resting on his shoulders, time flying by with no intention of rushing. Just the simple moments with anybody he could feel at rest with. No deadlines, no pressure to make, pursue, or be productive. Just to live and care about the things he wanted to care about.

Yatora probably wouldn't have gotten as far as he did without being around others. He felt at peace here, less stuck in his head. Without the company he was in he would keep thinking about things that didn't actually matter, like the next assignment, even if it hadn't been given yet. Or how to keep in touch with everybody he had met in the last few years. He hadn't seen Maki or his friends from high school in a while. But right now, he was there with Yakumo, and that's all that mattered. If he could keep up this one relationship, then he could keep up the others as well.

"And what would that be?"

Yakumo grinned, leaning into the frequency between them, slow and steady, almost lazy. "My tattoos." He whispered.

There he certainly had a point. Yatora had been interested in the tattoos ever since he learned that he had them – which didn't take all that long, seeing that Yakumo's favorite way to paint was while wearing the least amount of clothing he saw fit.

Especially the meaning behind them was something he was interested in. Yet also studying the lines and the art itself would be an interesting pastime. Seeing how this genius chooses what would be engraved on his body, finding his motive, that would be something he was interested in.

He took another tug of the cigarette, "You've got me there." He said before softly blowing the access smoke into Yakumo's face.

While taking the almost burnt out cigarette back, his grin widened. "Then I think I'll keep it to myself a little longer."

Yatora pouted, "Come on," he whispered, pulling Yakumo a little closer, "You know you want to tell me about it."

He hummed in response, denying what Yatora said. "Not yet, not yet."

In reality, Yakumo's soft voice made chill go through his spine. It almost resonated with his frequency, harmonizing with the tone next to it. So close.

Yatora raised his hand to the small swallow tattooed between his collarbones, softly laying his fingers on it. "Not even this beauty? I'd love to hear you talk about it."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2022 ⏰

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Resonating Frequency in Blue - A Blue Period KumoTora fanficWhere stories live. Discover now