not chapter but is my birthday and new story coming.

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Hello my dear readers, as you can see this is not chapter but I just turn 22 today! Since is happy day to me, I happy announce that I well release two new story that were voted a month ago.

Naruto: Reborn of kiryu and Rise of mechincal bakugan this week.

Be look put when story well come, also I have few future project of story well come.

Titans vs Unity academy

Small Plot: with increased destruction of earth environment. Cause by humans, supernatural, quricks and etc. Now anger king of monsters, have unleashed his alpha roar, which awaken titan and go war again one who cause destruction of nature. The question cones who well rule earth?

Izuku vs mecha izuku
Small plot: angery by certain green boy get in way. Tomura made deal with unknown organization, which use izuku DNA created bone, and with technology. Create weapon that match midoryia power, can izuku win or fall to anti hero weapon?

Naruto: power of jaegers
Small plot: after being use as meat shield by sasuke and left for dead my his team in chuin exam. Naruto unlock power that's is seal way in his body. Able use power that kill kaiju and weapons, Naruto is back stronger and ready use fight any opponents in his way.

Jeagers vs Eva unit

Small plot: with two world merge by unknown portal, pan pacific defense and NERV well fight out of which mech is stronger. Their battle will affect world and you well remain top of this one fuse planet.

That I all got, but anyone have question for story future plans, have comments right now. Oh don't worry fir next chapter, is going come out at night at 11: 00 unless I'm being delayed for any reason.

If anyone expects chapter soon, we'll have wait, next chapter I work on, suddenly gone. I keep hitting my head to figure out what happened. I really upset right now, work on hard then suddenly is gone.
Well for now Deltarex2000 is going on chapter later.

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