Distractions from yelling Chapter 1

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In a world where soulmates are given powers of either the power of communicating mentally to their soulmate, writing to their soulmate, or speaking directly into their ears from no matter where in the world. Kim Dokja possesses the ability to communicate mentally which is one of the rarer powers called Midday Tryst.

<Midday Tryst>

The ability that makes it so you can communicate with someone telepathically/mentally. This means other people around will not be able to hear the conversation, making it secret. Midday Tryst can be activated by the soulmates if it is accepted by both parties.


"YOU DUMB BITCH!" shouted a drunk man as he swayed the alcoholic bottle hazardously with no care, the drunken man lifted the glass above a trembling woman's head and struck down. A deafening sound echoed in the tiny apartment as the bottle skimmed the woman's head, crashing dangerously onto the kitchen counter. Kim Dokja's eyes widened and froze at the sight and had started to be accustomed to seeing it, the woman looked over to Kim Dokja and mouthed to him in a rush. 'Go inside and lock the door.'

Kim Dokja understood and glanced one more time at his mother before quietly closing the door and running rapidly towards his safe spot, the floor creaked underneath the small boy as he ran away from the dangers of his "father". Aggravating shouts and panicked voices were muffled behind two doors yet it seemed so close and loud, the young boy inhaled and exhaled shakily as he hid inside the closet, clutching an old book for comfort. The closet was a tight space and had breathing spots which made it possible for Dokja to hide in, the tight space felt suffocating to the young boy named Kim Dokja yet he knew that he just had to survive like this.

Kim Dokja was scared.

The darkness of the closet seemed to be moving.

The darkness of the closet seemed to be slowly swallowing him up.

The darkness-



A low ding was heard as Kim Dokja flinched at the sudden sound, he looked around the small closet to find the source before his eyes looked upwards to find a blue transparent panel floating in front of him. The screen wavered slightly as it cast a blue haze on Kim Dokja and his body, blanketing him like a blanket. The screen had a message. The message said:

['--- ---------' is asking permission to use Midday Tryst]

[Yes]    [No]

'What...?' thought Kim Dokja in utter confusion as he silently stared at the glowing message, he rubbed his eyes for good measure to see if he was hallucinating. 'What is this?'

The screen flickered once more and the message appeared once more as if to urge Kim Dokja to hurry up and accept the strange and mysterious request. With nothing else to lose, Kim Dokja took a deep breath before exhaling and pressing the button of the choice he picked. He had accepted the proposal.

As if happy, the box jingled for a bit before displaying another message.

['Kim Dokja' has accepted to communicate with '--- ---------']

[Please pick a nickname to be called]

Kim Dokja was quite shocked, it was like those video games he saw in the advertisements... A game. Kim Dokja took a minute to find a name to call himself and decided on the most fitting one for him.

['Reader Guwon' can now communicate to 'Supreme King']

[This is all, may you have a great time]

"Huh..." muttered Kim Dokja under his breath as he eyes the name displayed, he was now communicating with a person named 'Supreme King'. Kim Dokja's eyes crinkled into a crescent shape as he quietly giggled to himself. 'It sounds like a protagonist's title, I bet the person is one.' he thought as the distractions from the main room slowly faded away from the young boy's attention.


Yoo Joonghyuk was bored, books laid scattered around him as he sat observing most of the titles, certain titles caught his attention.

'Soulmate Communication! Don't you want to find out more about your destined one?'

'Three ways to Communicate to your soulmate'

'Guide to speaking to your soulmate 101'

"Tch... I'm starting to consider talking to my soulmate at this point if I even have one, there really is no one to talk to..."

Yoo Joonghyuk swiped up one of the books called 'Guide to speaking to your soulmate 101' as it seemed to be the shortest out of the other 2, he flickered through the pages and reached the end with some information. In summary you have to find out which communication you use, you can find this out with a simple test, grab a paper and write down the instructions then burn it and a notification should ring out.

*rip*   *tears up paper*


'Tch, I knew that fake soulmate thing was fake-'


"WHAT THE FUCK-" yelled Yoo Joonghyuk as he was greeted with a blue holographic screen that seemed to be angry? How the hell does a notification sound angry?

['Yoo Joonghyuk' has gained 'Midday Tryst']

[Would 'Yoo Joonghyuk like to send a communication request with his soulmate?]

"Isn't this the rarer one? Hold on..."

['Yoo Joonghyuk'has sent a request to his soulmate '--- -----']

[Waiting for response]

[Please pick a nickname while pending]

"So this actually is real...? Soulmates are actually a thing..." murmured the shocked Yoo Joonghyuk as he observed the pending notification in front of him, the room around him seemed to become less lonely as Yoo Joonghyuk sat down on the couch in curiosity. Yoo Joonghyuk placed his hand on his chin to his chin and chose his name.


['Reader Guwon' has accepted to communicate with 'Supreme King']

['Supreme King' can now communicate 'Reader Guwon']

'Is my soulmate's name actually Guwon...? Should I have picked my actual name too?' thought Yoo Joonghyuk while he sighed in slight regret.

Yoo Joonghyuk stood up before he grabbed his coat and walked outside, the wind whistled quietly as trees danced along with the cold breeze. The city around him was lively yet all the noises were blurred out to Yoo Joonghyuk who sat at a birch bench at the park, children ran around in joy while adults tried to console them.

It felt quite peaceful like this...


Notes: New fanfiction because my brain gains new ideas every time I try to sleep, I will be trying to not forget about my other 17 fanfics in the meanwhile lol

Written by: JLMAA/Jess

Words in this chapter: 1086

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2022 ⏰

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