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Back in the time where humans did the work there was a large cottage and there lived a family of four. A mother, 2 sisters and a maid. Although this maid was a sister she was treated as she was called.

"May I help you wash the dishes tonight?" Little Eve Winters asked with a cheerful voice.

Eve was a cheerful girl of the age ten. She had long blonde hair that fell to her waist and big blue eyes that looked like a sunny day's sky. Eve was also the younger sister of our protagonist, Sophia Winters.

Sophia looked much like her sister except her eyes where chocolate brown and she had a more straight face. The sisters were both kind but Sophia tended to be on the calm side while Eve was full of energy.

"I wouldn't want you to have to do work because of your empathy, Eve." Sophia told the young girl, "I want you to make the most of your life."

"But I want to be around you! You're more fun then Mother or Laney. They are so mean and stuck up." She chirped, "And you have a life, too."

Sophia heaved a sigh but grinned to the fact that her sister cared. "If it does please you, then you may." Sophia stood up from her work of scrubbing the wood floor and dusted off her mangled dress.

Sophia's smile returned as she saw the goofy grin on her sister's face. "We have to fetch some water first. I--" but Eve interrupted, "I will go get the bucket!" And she dashed off towards the pantry.

Sophia chuckled and shook her head, 'Such energy for a small creature,' she thought to herself in amusement.

When Eve returned she was holding a large stick with two buckets at each end. Sophia thankfully took the stick and slung it over her shoulder as they walked towards the well.

"How is school?" Sophia asked Eve who was skipping along their path.

Eve sighed and looked past the small grassland and into the autumn trees. "It was alright, I suppose." She said with an emotionless voice.

"Lots of studies, aye?" Sophia smirked, but inside she wished she could continue her studies aswell. But her so-called mother told Sophia to quit her studies so she could work around the house more.

"Yes. I don't know if I can manage to learn all this material." Eve complained while making big hand motions.


They had gotten the water and cleaned the dishes and then Sophia's mother sent her out to the market to buy food to make for supper.

Sophia strolled down the market with a basket on her arm. The tents were crowded with costumes and it took hours to get the fruit, bread, eggs and other edible items.

On her way back home she hummed a song that she would always sing to her sister before she would fall asleep.

"If love were a flower,
I would pluck it from its stem,
Wear it in my hair with a fancy headdress.

I would wear it for years and years to come,
Protect it with my honored heart.

For you are my flower,
My dear, my love,
Stay with me and I will be your sun."

Sophia has been so lost in memories that she had not realize that she passed through the front gate.

She raised her eyebrows, 'That's strange, I thought I had closed the gate. I hope mother didn't notice,' Sophia thought.

Suddenly, an unbelievable earsplitting shriek erupted from the cottage. Sophia recognized the voice almost instantly, "Eve?!" She called nervously.

There was no answer.

"Eve?!" She called louder. When there was no answer again, her pace towards the cottage quickened.

A gasp escaped Sophia's lips and she was paralyzed. What layed on the kitchen floor was a small girl who was soaked in a dark red substance.

"EVE!" Sophia cried and rushed to the girls side. "EVE! EVE! Please tell me you're okay? It's just cranberry juice right?" Sophia slurred, trying to calm herself.

Sophia slipped her hands underneath Eve but quickly took her hands back. Sure enough it was blood. Thousands of deep cuts were scattered on the young girl. "Eve, are you alright? Please tell me your going to be okay!" She pleaded as her heart rate increased.

"PLEASE! PLEASE, SAY SOMETHING?" She cried as tears rushed down her cheeks and her vision became blurry.

The red girl who was Eve coughed, which caused blood to erupt from her throat. "Eve!" Sophia suppressed with hope in her voice.

"S-sophia?" Eve murmured. "It's me! It's me! You're going to be okay, alright? Let me get you some water!" Sophia cried while seeming to lose her sanity.

"Wait. No," she coughed with more blood coming up and pouring out. "Wh-why not?" Sophia asked in a worried tone.

Eve ignored her question, "You have to live the life--" she coughed, "-that you always deserved." She coughed up more blood again, "If you can't find a purpose..." There was a pause of silence and Eve opened her blood eyes and looked up at her sister's face for the last time. "D-do it for m..." Eve's voice went lost and her body fell limp.



That was the day Eve Winters had died and Sophia Winters felt that all her happiness was lost.

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