Chapter 29: Ciel and Evelyn's day off

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*At the Delacour family mansion just outside of London 3 months later one morning*
~Third Person's POV~
About 3 months later at the Delacour's family mansion just outside of London one morning Countess Evelyn Delacour got out of bed to handle some paperwork and letters so that she wouldn't have to do them later in the day and she can have free time to herself but little did she know that Ciel and Sebastian would be coming over later today. So then with that happening Derek and the rest of the Delacour servants were cleaning the estate while Countess Evelyn was working and catching up on some letters that she needed to reply and respond back to.
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~Evelyn Delacour's POV~

Oh gosh I have so much letters to go through

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Oh gosh I have so much letters to go through...... I have much work to do this morning when I got dressed up for today Cecilia walked me downstairs holding my left hand before I walked to my study room too take care of the place then once I sat down at my desk I looked at Cecilia and spoke "Can you bring some special Earl Grey and something for breakfast please Cecilia," before getting started on some work this morning then Derek came along to drape a blanket over my shoulders so I'm not cold while he stokes the fire. So then as such happened Cecilia came in the room with what I had asked for and thanked her before she left.
Alright now for some real work.....
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~Lady Cecilia's POV~

My young mistress was working in her study room this morning

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My young mistress was working in her study room this morning..... So after leaving my young mistress to her work I went back into the kitchens to see Juliet and Derek talking about our young Mistress when the front door rang all three of us looked at each other trying to figure out who that could be while young mistress was doing some work she then ordered for Juliet to make fetch her blanket so she's warm enough while Derek fetches the door and I got started on making her breakfast. Today is Evelyn's day off but she insists on getting work done since recent events have kept her busy that her letters have just stacked up.
~Derek and Juliet's POV's~
Everyone was doing good in cleaning every room and everything when the doorbell rang so I went to see who is at the door and I walked through the servants door that led from the kitchens upstairs too where the front door is at now though it's probably Sebastian and Earl Phantomhive waiting for me since all of the Delacour servants are cleaning this mansion throughly as well as the one in London.
I was dusting the sitting room my mistress uses for her time alone while Derek was answering the front door Cecilia was upstairs organizing our mistress's things getting clothes for her and her bath after she's finished working.
(Skip to lunch time with Ciel and Evelyn)
~Third Person's POV~
After long hours of doing work and sending a pack of letters to different people Evelyn needed a break so she walked out of her office that belonged to her mother once before she had died leaving everything to Evelyn even the company she runs now that her father left behind for her to run at age 13 but she's done a good job in spreading her family's company around Europe making money and giving the young heiress reports on the conditions of the companies.
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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2022 ⏰

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