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Mom,Mom! MOM!

Oh sorry sweetie,yes?

My friend told me that there is a large golden gate is it true?

Ah yes it is,me and your father actually went there while I was pregnant with you!

mom can we go there?

Hm sure how about let's go on Saturday. That way we can spend the evening there.

But saturday is so longggg

Sweetie you just have to wait 2 days and if you behave in those 2 days,we will get your favorite ice cream for the trip.

Okay,okay I'll behave I'll behave

{Knock Knock}

Mom that must be charlie!

The mother opened the door to find a ginger child and her mother

Ah hello there charlie

Hello miss

Charlie Charlie I'm here!

{Charlie's mother}
Can you please look an eye on her she gets very hyper with her friends.

Yeah..of course!

{Charlie's mother}
Behave charlie!,

{Charlie's mother}
Thank you

Said the mother quietly and softly.

She closes the door letting a breeze get in.


So? Are you going to the big big gate?

Yeah I'm going there on saturday!

Said the child excitedly

Hmm what if you can come with us on the trip!

I would love too but I don't think my parents will allow me since there's a chance to see a demon..

Well yeah but the demons are scared of us,so they'll run away!

Okay,I'll talk about it with my ma

Lunch is ready girls come on down.

Come on let's go!

{At the table}

Mom,can charlie go with us?


The big gold gate

Oh, does your mom know that you want to go to the gate it is kind of dangerous.

I really want to go there and I'll speak to my mom!

Alright just get your parents permission

O-okay auntie!

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