U.S.J Pt.1

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The next morning when I got to the train station I met up with Tsu, Izuku, and Tenya. We would meet up with Shoto and Ochako when we got off the train. As we walk to school we discuss our plans for the weekend as it is now Wednesday. We decided that we would all go visit Izuku. When we get closer to the school, we see that there is a heard of reporters blocking the gate. 

We try to get through the crowd and to class but we get stopped by one of the reporters. She keeps asking us questions and before we can answer any of them we are ushered inside the gate by Mr. Aizawa. He tells the reporters to leave his students alone or he would alert the police. Then he turns to us and tells us to head to class.

The day went by normally. We had our morning classes and now we were in the cafeteria eating lunch. I was explaining to Tenya that he needed to loosen up a bit when a deafening alarm goes off. I hear Izuku ask one of the upper-classmen what was going on. The upper-classman said,"this means that there was a security breach. I've been here three years and this is the first time it has happened."

Everyone rushes to the doors. I try to stay with my squad but the pressure of everyone pushing against eachother in their hurry to leave causes us to be split up. I catch sight of Kirishima and Kaminari together. As well as Bakugou and Sero. I try to find my friends while i am being squashed in the sea of people. Just then I see Tenya flying through the air and land on top of the door frame. The way he lands there reminds me of the stick figure on an emergency exit sign. "EVERYTHING IS OK. IT IS JUST THE PRESS OUTSIDE. THE TEACHERS ARE TAKING CARE OF THE SITUATION. EVERYONE PLEASE HEAD BACK TO YOUR CLASSES." Tenya shouts.

The rest of the day goes by without any more trouble but I have a bad feeling in my stomach. At the end of the day the dekusquad walks to the train station. This time Hitoshi comes along and is fully accepted into the squad. "Hey why are we called the dekusquad anyway?" he asks. "It's because Deku is going to be my hero name." Izuku replies. "But why Deku though,isn't it an insult?" I ask. "Well yeah but I want to show my bullies that they were wrong about me." "That is a good motive," we all agree.


The next day at school we are getting on a bus to go to a training facility off campus. Tenya tries to line us up by seat number but scince the bus has an open layout, we just sit where we want. I sit with Ochako further to the front of the bus. As we drive I listen to the conversation going on behind me. "With that attitude he'll never be popular,kero" Tsu says. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Bakugou yells. "Dude it kinda makes sense how we barely know you yet we know that your personality if flaming trash mixed with garbage." Kaminari says trying to be smart. "WHAT"S WITH YOUR DAMN VOCABULARY." I see Mr. Aizawa stand up and say, "Everyone quiet down. We are here."

We walk into the giant building and meet the space hero Thirteen. Ochako gushes beside me about how Thirteen is her favorite hero. Thirteen greets us and explains, "You all probably know but my quirk is called black hole. I use it to save people, but it could easily be used to kill. Same with all of your quirks. That is why I built the Unforseen Stimulation Joint." 'It's just like Universal Studios Japan' Everyone thinks. "Now before we get started I just want to say one thing, maybe two, three, no seven." 

Before they can continue, we see a purple fog-like substance in the plaza behind them. Then we see people comng out of the fog. Kirishima is one of the first to notice and exclaims, "WOW, they even brought in fake villians?" Then Aizawa turns around, eyes them up and says, "stay back, those are real villians." At those words the class begins to panic. "Thirteen get the students out of here." We all turn and start running to the exit but are blocked by the same purple fog. 

Said fog now has glowing yellow eyes, and with a deep smoth voice he says, "Greetings heros in training, we are here to kill All Might. Our sources say that he should be here; however, he is not so we shall see if a few dead children will draw him out." Thriteen gets ready to use their quirk when two people jump toward the villian. "You two get out of there," They say. They activate their quirk but the villian uses his fog to open a portal behind thriteen, effectively using their quirk against them. 

Meanwhile us students are still trying to escape. I tell Tenya to run ahead and alert the pro heros. He barely makes it out the door when almost everyone else is surrounded by the fog. Suddenly I feel myself falling. Then I land harshly on the ground. I stand up and take in my surroundings. I see that I landed in the Ruins zone with Bakugou and Kirishima. We don't get alot of time to figure things out because we are almost immediately attacked by vilians. 

I quickly summon my AK-47 and start firing at them. I see Bakugou getting close and then exploding them while Kirishima starts to hit them head on. It goes on like this for a while and we are getting a bit tired. Luckily Bakugou just exploded the last one and we quickly make our way to the plaza where we come face to face with a horrific sight. As we make it to the plaza we see Mr. Aizawa being smashed into the concrete by a huge bird/human beast hybrid. His arms are broken and he is bleeding from his head and he is unconcious.

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