Teacup's Encounter With the Flower Gang

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As night falls for the Cup siblings, Teacup was beginning to wonder how their friends are doing through their normal lives. So, she puts on a coat and grabs her keys before going to the door. She turns to Cuphead and Mugman on the couch before saying, "I'm gonna go get some fresh air. I'll be back later." "Alright." Cuphead and Mugman said in unison as she leaves the apartment. As time goes by, Teacup visits the folks from Inkwell Isle 1 and the first friends she reunited was the Root Pack and Goopy Le Goop. The Frog Bros were sailing somewhere and both Cagney and Hilda were nowhere to be found.

She goes through the other Isles and found out that Cagney and Hilda were somewhere in Inkwell Isle 3. As she got there, she looks around for Cagney first. "Cagney? Cagney!" Teacup calls out until she was stared at by passing by citizens. She let out a nervous chuckle and says, "Don't mind me. Just looking for a friend. Nothin to see here."

She left the area and kept calling out for Cagney, unaware of a certain group that has heard her callings. As Teacup reached an allerway, she was suddenly approached by a humanized rose woman. The rose has a cigar in her fingers as she asked Teacup, "So, you're looking for this...Cagney, right?" Teacup has a hint of relieve and answers, "Yeah. Do you happen to know where he is?" The rose motions her finger and says, "Follow me and you'll get your answer." Without hesitating, Teacup follows the rose darker in the alley. As they walk, the rose came to a halt, causing Teacup to get confused of why she stopped, so she asks, "Uh, is something wrong?"

Without noticing, a flower grabs her arms back with one hand and placed a cloth doused with chloroform on Teacup's face, covering her mouth and nose. Teacup widens her eyes in shock while trying to get him off, but he had a tight grip on her. She has tried her best to get him off, but the chemical made her grew drowsy and her eyes closed from that. As she fell unconscious, the flower and the rose took her to their hideout and ties her up to a chair. After a few minutes, Teacup was starting to regain her conscious as she woke up, finding herself in a room. Just then, the door opens to reveal the rose woman as she walks over to Teacup. Teacup instantly grew scared of her and says, "H-hold on, this has got to be a misunderstanding. I'm looking for a friend."

The rose got to her face and says, "I know, but your naive nature intends to scurry to a complete stranger for help looking for a dear friend. You know, I should kill you where you stand, but, you would be useful as our drug seller." That made Teacup nervous and says, "I-I'm sorry, but you got it all wrong. I have no experience with drug selling. Besides, isn't that illegal?" The rose woman taps onto Teacup's cup head and says, "No, but you'll get use to it, unless you wanna leave in pieces." Teacup went silent for a moment as the rose stood up and says, "I thought so." She then walks out the room and closes the door, locking Teacup inside.

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