Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

"What do you mean, 'This isn't good', Logan?" Thomas asked, getting more worried.

"That's his Core." Logan said, and then looked at Patton. "Patton. I want you to sink out to your room." The Logical Side instructed, ignoring Thomas for the time being. All eyes turned to the Moral Side.

Patton nodded and stood there a minute before looking down at his feet and back to Logan. "I can't!" He said, panicked.

"Don't be ridiculous Padre!" Roman scoffed, before trying to sink out himself. "What in the-? I can't sink out! We're stuck here!" He screeched horrified. "I don't want to be stuck here! No offense Virgil." He added quickly in the end.

"Thomas should be able to at least get out of here." Logan hummed, looking to Thomas, who was looking very bothered by the ever growing complicated situation.

"I'm not leaving you guys!" Thomas denied, sounding offended by the suggestion. He wasn't going to leave his Sides on the Dark Side.

Virgil hunched in on himself. "I didn't know he could trap you guys here too." He mumbled. Eyes looking everywhere. "Things are not okay here." He warned.

"Wait! Janus is the one doing this?" Patton asked. "But why? I thought he couldn't do anything like that, hurt like he is?"

"I believe that by removing his Core, he removed, all the turmoil that having a consciousness brings. This way his task weighs lesser on him. He would be able to heal while working. But that brings to question as to why this particular wall?" They all turned to the wall with the split core, the two snakes on it looking more ominous than before. "The details on these are amazing!" Logan examined. "Look at the sharp angles on this one and the more softer angles on this one. They represent something, I'm sure." He pointed out. "Virgil has Janus ever done this before? This is truly fascinating." Logan asked.

"Only once, but he didn't take his Core out from what I remember. It was when the line was drawn between what is good and bad. He locked everything away back then and only let us out when Thomas needed and wanted us. Janus can't hide what Thomas wants to know." Virgil said, sounding reluctant to talk about what happened in the past. "This is new. Before with Remus, that wasn't Janus."

"But it looked like Janus." Patton insisted.

"Yes, but it wasn't!" Virgil insisted back.

"Virgil is right." Logan answered. "Janus not only removed his Core, but split it, with the cracks. He could have destroyed himself. But it seems he has only went dormant. Meaning what we witness was nothing but an instinct, with no personality. Janus put himself away, without Thomas suffering from his absences."

"He ducked out without ducking out?" Patton asked, fiddling with his hands worriedly.

Logan shook his head. "No. He try to lock this side and himself away, without Thomas feeling the effects." He corrected.

"But why would he do that?" Thomas asked. "I need all of you." He was starting to pace as he worried more about the situation.

"You still have all of us, technically." Logan corrected. "Janus, just isn't himself, the way we all know him."

"You mean like he's sleeping, but also working?" Patton asked, trying to sound hopeful.

Logan looked pained at the Moral Sides own explanation. "I guess, that is an adequate way of putting it. He must have done this so that he would be able to continue without cracking his Core more. He must have felt this was the best way." He reasoned.

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