Cuts and Scars

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Cuts and Scars (Canada x Depressed! Reader) Part 1

You walked through the hallways of your grimy, old high school. You knew what that day was. And you hated that day. It was the day that you had to see the school counselor. Your just recently widowed mother had told you to go at least once, for her sake if not yours. You didn't want to upset your mother, her being in the fragile state she was, so you decided to see the counselor once and never go back.

You reached the door to her office and reached for the door-knob. Only then did you realize that your hand was shaking furiously. You pulled your jacket sleeves further down, even though it irritated the raw skin below, and took a couple of shaky breaths. Your (e/c) orbs were laced with fear. You didn't want to talk about that. You just wanted to go home, curl up in bed, and cry. That was what you normally did anyway. Besides the cutting. That was a bit new.

With one last lengthy breath, you gripped the door handle until your knuckles turned white, stood up straight, turned the knob, and pushed the door open.

The manicured blonde in front of you looked nothing like a counselor. She looked brisk, sharp, and unfriendly. Without even glancing at you, she checked her clipboard, completely uninterested.

"(F/n) (L/n)?" She asked, her tone matching her countenance.

"Yes." You replied nervously. Only then did she eye you with disdain.

"Alright then, let's get on with it. You're disturbing my lunch break." She said. True as it was, that was the only time that you could see her besides before or after school, and then maybe she'd complain that you were interrupting her breakfast or dinner. You cleared your throat.

"My mother wanted me to come see you. She said I've been looking even more depressed since the...... Accident." You said, your (e/c) eyes tearing up on the word. You looked down. You remembered that day perfectly. And you always would.


You were with you father, one of the only people, besides Mattie and his brother, that could cheer you up those days. He had just taken you out to eat and get ice cream for your birthday. You always got the same flavor at the ice cream store. It was always (flavor).

You sat in the car with your dad, happy for once. Ever since you began attending 8th grade, you had gotten bullied on your looks and the way you never socialized with a lot of people. It wasn't your fault that you were shy and hadn't been blessed with endless good looks. That was just the way you were. And they hated you for it.

"Hey (nickname)?" Your father asked as he was driving.

"Yeah dad?" You replied, smiling at him.

"I know that we can't do much for your birthday, but I want you to know that your mother and I would never give you up or go back in time to change you." He took his eyes off of the road and looked at you. You could see it written all over his face. He loved you so very much, and you loved him too.

Suddenly, your attention was drawn to the road. In the small town you lived in, not everyone drove, so a lot of the roads were empty. But now, you saw a small pick-up truck speeding in the wrong lane, heading straight for your dad's small jeep. Your dad went on talking, about to say the words you had wanted to hear most on your 16th birthday, when you screamed.

"DAD!!! LOOK OUT!!!!" You yelled, scared out of your mind, hoping the two vehicles wouldn't collide.

He pulled his attention abruptly back to the road and cursed under his breath, swerving his car out of the way, but the truck veered straight for your car anyway, as if bent on hitting you.

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