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Hey, how can u see?? How do you hear?? What? Why I'm a asking these questions. Well, it's because you couldn't hear my screams of help and you couldn't see my bloody tears on my face. I tried to make it noticeable ... did I not make it that noticeable, oh well, what can I do? I'm not dead, but neither I'm alive ... I'm just here exhausted from being. The rain stopped today, but the coldness of the winter hasn't. My feet and hands are cold, but I don't need anything to keep me warm because I have no heart. My wrist are healed, my body is perfect now. I need nothing to live, or maybe I have nothing to live for. My heart hurts, it can't take any more of this pain. Maybe, if things were done differently, I wouldn't have been up to this point. Help me I'm drowning. A sea of I love you even though we both know it's going to be temporary. My mind thinks of you but is it wrong to love my friend. My heart is dragging me to insanity for you can't you hear my heart trying to hold yours. So please let me go now I can't take any more of this push and pull. I wish I had no heart in the first place. It's a painfully love tragedy. Well friend it's been nice to know you, see you again, I will miss you, bye now. I love you as I ran away again. As I'm thinking what a beautiful lie I told I know that these feelings will disappear, because I never felt what it really is, hold me, kill me, let me just be with you.

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