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Wooyoung's Diary

The last day of semester break. The final hours of careless freedom before a new term started, students swarming each others homes, savouring the time as though each minute would be the last, and where was Jung Wooyoung? Choosing his outfit for the next day.

To be fair, it wasn't an uncommon situation. What was uncommon was that Jung Wooyoung, affamed party-goer, was choosing to stay in his dorm room when there was a party one block away.

It was to the extent that he could hear the music pulsating through the walls, clouding his sense of hearing, yet he paid it no mind.

Even his roommate was surprised when he declined the offer of heading over together. But not as surprised as Wooyoung was when he heard his roommate wanted to go.

While Wooyoung was famous for going to parties, his roommate was the exact opposite, choosing to minimise the amount of social interaction he had, only appearing at parties when there were people he knew.

Today's party in question was hosted by a common friend of theirs, Yunho, and although Wooyoung could see why his roommate was willing to go, he couldn't understand why he was so excited about it, or why he was eager to join with or without him.

He could still hear what he'd said one hour or so ago: "Come on Woo! This is gonna be the party of the decade. You have to come!"

"I think I'm all good for today. The party the day before gave me enough excitement to last through the new term. Thanks for asking though, Sang-ah."

Normally the conversation would end right there, but Yeosang wasn't finished with his argument yet.

"Parties never tire you out. Are you sick?"

"I'm perfectly fine, Sang. Have a good time, drink a few extra shots for me, okay?"

As he spoke, Wooyoung slipped into a reverie, mind spiralling down a series of incomprehensible thoughts, not realising Yeosang had spoken once more.

"... You have to come."

Despite not knowing his full sentence, Wooyoung spoke: "I already said I'm good, Sang. It's really fine. I..."

His gaze fixated on his wardrobe and an excuse popped into his head. "I have to clean my closet. It's long overdue."

If Yeosang felt anything was amiss, he didn't show any sign of suspicion, merely shrugging and leaving Wooyoung's room.

Instantly after he heard the front door click shut, Wooyoung jumped up from the bed and marched to the wardrobe. After all, although he did say he was gonna spring clean the closet, he didn't say that he was gonna have a try on spree while he was at it.

The instant Wooyoung opened his closet, he knew he had made a mistake. Reconsidering his choice of heading to Yunho's place became his utmost priority when the bundle of clothes smacked him in the face.

He staggered from the impact, but surveyed the wardrobe's interior as his assailent slipped to the floor. It was piled to the brim, not just with clothes, but miscellaneous items he'd collected over the past year, including but not limited to accessories, old schoolbooks and an old one metre tall plushie shiba he'd named Tootsie Roll.

Unable to help himself, Wooyoung reached out and grabbed the dog, pulling it out from behind the teetering stack of used workbooks.

He sat down on the lower bunk of the double decker bed, Yeosang's bunk, and patted the head of the stuffie, causing a wave of dust to drift up from the soft fur. Wooyoung wrinkled his nose at the disheveled state his old friend was in, but despite her not so ideal condition, he still gave her a tight squeeze.

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