Chapter two (edited)

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Draco's Pov:

I had just finished saying goodbye to my mother when my friends came up to me. I had to quickly paste on a fake smile and joke around with them to make it seem like everything was fine. It wasn't fine, but nobody could know I had to keep up the act for as long as I could. I could not let the facade slip, I would not let it slip.  I wouldn't even really call them my friends they were just acquaintances. I couldn't let anyone get close to me.

My friends quickly trained their eyes on someone and like me being a curious person I followed their vision and saw the most beautiful girl in the world. I knew that I couldn't talk to her. I refused to drag her into my shit show of a life. I smiled at her and quickly whispered something to my friends.

"Do any of you know her name?"

"Oh that's sincere she's in the same house as you." My friend Cedric said.

I kept a blank expression on my face not knowing why I just now noticed her. We went back to joking around until the bus came. Maybe it was because I chose not to get attached to any of the girls I would only break their hearts. I would do one-night stands and I wouldn't let her become one.

I could feel my facade slipping thinking about all the shit my mom would have to take with me going back to Hogwarts. My father was an evil person and extremely abusive towards my mother and me. My mother of course had it worse than I did and I felt horrible that I couldn't protect her, but I promise one day I will get her out of there even if it's the last thing I'll ever do. I had to do something she didn't deserve any of it she was an amazing mother and a great wife.

The train approached after what felt like forever. I didn't know how long I could keep this fake act up. It seemed to be getting harder and harder every day. I grabbed my bag and headed to the back of the Slytherin section I just wanted to sleep and that was exactly what I was going to do. I placed my headphones on and closed my eyes so nobody would bother me.

I guess people got the memo because nobody woke me up until the train had stopped and we had arrived at Hogwarts. I got off the train avoiding everyone as I looked around at the place I called home for the last few years. I waited a few minutes debating whether I wanted to go straight to the Slytherin common room and unpack or go to the courtyard and take in my surroundings. 

I decided that I wasn't going to do either of those things and instead headed to the astronomy tower. When I got there I realized I wasn't alone since the girl who was supposedly named Sincere was there sitting in the corner crying.

Part of me felt a strange pull to her the other part of me didn't want to make the situation worse and ruin her life. I turned the other way and walked back to the dorms. I was too scared to talk to her, I would only hurt her in the end. God I wish I wasn't so fucking stubborn and had the balls to talk to her.

I made it back to the dorm room and started unpacking my stuff part of me felt horrible for leaving her there the other part of me knew it was for the better. I would not let myself hurt her. She deserved the world and I simply couldn't give it to her right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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