5 - Angels, Demons, and Soldiers

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"Okay okay, so what you're saying is you used to experiment on yourself?"

"See, when you say it like that it sounds insane."

It had been hours since Matt knocked on Ariel's door. What once was intended to be an undercover investigation turned into talking and laughing over Thai food and beer. Ariel had quickly forgotten she was ever upset while any suspiciousness Matt had for her faded away.

"But it is a little insane that you would wrap yourself like a mummy," he argued.

"I did not! It's trauma wrapping techniques, not stitches. It was easier since I was always a willing participant, plus I got to experience how it felt so I know how my patients would feel."

Ariel took a swig from her bottle, sighing contently. Despite the original intention for this being different for Matt, he couldn't help admitting it was nice to unwind with someone. Not to have a night full of running on rooftops and getting stabbed by Russians. Normalcy was refreshing.

"So tell me, Ms. Caperton, what exactly do you do? Especially to warrant such nocturnal behaviors and knowledge in medicinal mummification," Matt inquired.

"It's complicated," Ariel deflected as she looked down to her now empty takeout container.

"Ah, I see. BDSM nurse play-"

"Oh my god, no!"

She playfully hit Matt's arm, not so accidentally hitting the one she bandaged. He famed injury, leaning over the side of the couch holding his arm in 'pain'. "Help! A woman is beating me, a poor injured blind man. Someone save me," he cried dramatically.

"Oh, you wimp," Ariel teased. " But I'm not a prostitute or anything like that. I'm a medic at a special forces agency."

Matt's carefree bliss vanished at the mention of Ariel's employer. The potential of it being a lead reminded him why he was here. "Special forces? I'm assuming if you have to say it that way, that means you can't tell me who," he said with his focus shifting to her heart.

"Yes. I'm sure when I signed my life away there was a fine print that stated, 'thou shall not admit thy employer or thou shall die,' something like that. But I can say I've never been put out into the field, strictly for the employees on request."

Matt forced a smile with his jaw clenching in irritation at her steady heartbeat. Ariel was telling the truth the whole way through. Even if this was connected to Wilson Fisk, she didn't have anything to offer. There were still questions nagging at him that demanded answers.

"So, is it usually grave yard shifts?" Matt asked.

"Most of the time. A lot of late calls for late jobs. It's nothing I can't handle, just kills the social life since I sleep until the late afternoon," Ariel admitted with a shrug.

"I see. The comment you made regarding drinking earlier in my apartment makes much more sense now."

"Yea. I had woken up not too long before. But enough with questioning me."

Ariel leaned her arm on the top of the couch, resting her head on it. "Tell me, Mr. Murdock. You had a whole fancy suit on, and you're partaking in nocturnal behavior with me. What is it that you do?"

It was inevitable that she would start asking questions, Matt already have prepared for this situation to come up. "I'm a lawyer. I have my own practice, so I'm my own boss. Well, part boss. My friend and I share the responsibility and name of the practice, Nelson and Murdock. And with being up this late, I suffer from insomnia."

Ariel nodded, satisfied with the response. "Impressive. The lawyer part that is, not the insomnia. You should try melatonin. Knocks you right out."

"I'll try it next time," Matt assured her.

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