The disagreement

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Jimin had spent the weekend at Jungkooks but insisted he went home Sunday evening. He tidied things around the house then went to get his clothes ready for work , looking at his wardrobe he suddenly thought, when did I start to dress so boring? Before his run in with the fake boyfriend Jimin had style a lot more adventurous than what was in his wardrobe now, he then looked in the mirror taking a good look at himself, his dark hair was to his eyes non descript just like his clothes.
He thought of Tae who was always elegantly dressed and styled his hair, before he could change his mind he rang him.
"Hey Jimin what's up?"
"Erm Tae, am I allowed to take tomorrow off?"
"Sure Jimin you have so many holidays you haven't used, is everything ok?"
"I-I want to um, Tae can you recommend a good stylist I want to change my hair and clothes."
"Yes!!! Ok I'm coming too, I know a great salon and I love clothes shopping!!"
"But won't the boss be mad if we are both out?"
"Pfft,as if....., this is gonna be so much fun, can I tell him?"
"No...., I want it to be a surprise , I want to get my old style back."
"I'll pick you up at nine, I'll call my friend from the salon now to make sure you get in, your address is Xxxxx isn't it? Ok nine tomorrow !"
Jimin smiled at the others enthusiasm, then worried, what if he looked silly, what if it was going to be a big mistake? Shaking those thoughts away, he finished doing bits in the house then went to bed nervous but also excited at what the next day would bring.
"Omg Jimin you look...,"
"Stupid, rubbish?"
"Like an out of this world Angel!"
They both looked in the salon mirror, Jimin seeing the finished result for the first time, he gasped then grinned at Tae who was giving him an excited thumbs up.
His dark licks were gone , now he had light brown and blonde hair cut exquisitely he brushed a hand through his hair watching as it fell into place, he loved it , he thanked the stylist who hesitatingly said, "have you ever considered make up on your eyes, you would look even more stunning than now,"
"I used to at college but not recently, but maybe I will now!"
Leaving the salon they went to the mall, shop after shop found both of them buying clothes and new make up.
"Ah Jimin you really are my soulmate, I've had such fun today."
Jimins phone rang," hello?....., no I'm using a days holiday? But I did clear it with Tae, you can ask him he's here, I think that's unfair...., you may be my boss but you don't own me, hey why are you shouting at me? No it's my day off and I don't have to justify it!"
Jimin was angry, he'd been having such a good day.....
"Was that Jungkook?"
"Yes he was mad that I took the day off , said I hadn't cleared it, I told him you had, he got madder when I said you were with me, demanded I come in to work, I don't know what's got him so mad but it's not on!"
"Oh I like this new Jimin, you stuck up for yourself, I think I know why he's mad...., I wish we could post online your new look but you said you wanted to keep it secret," Tae sighed he knew Jungkook was mad because Jimin was with him, now if he could get Jimin to allow him to post some pics on his insta account he knew he'd get a reaction from Kook!
"You can! I was going to keep it secret to show......, someone but who cares, let's take pics!"
Jungkooks phone showed new items on Tae's insta account, he clicked on his gaze taking in the wondrous sight of Jimin a very sexy looking Jimin, one was a pose of the two of them together holding up shopping bags, with the caption' MY SOULMATE LIKES SHOPPING AS MUCH AS ME' another one was a Jimin only shot where he was in a cafe head turned to the camera a shy but sultry look on his face the caption read'WHEN DID AN ANGEL FALL FROM HEAVEN'
Jungkook clenched his hands into fists, if Jimin wanted to go shopping why didn't he ask him why Tae? He noticed the comments under the photos ,
"Damn he's hot"
"Please give him my number"
"Is he your boyfriend?"
"Where's he been hiding all my life."
Jungkook threw his phone down , what was Jimin doing, why didn't he come back to work like he told him? He sat fuming at his desk an hour and a half later Tae sauntered in, jungkook called him into his office.
"Had fun?" He said sarcastically
"Best day ever,"
"Deduct a days wages from Park Jimin, he took an unauthorised day off."
"I said no, I logged it in the computer last night when he requested it and as I'm the office manager it's my call."
Jungkook glared at the other , " really what about you taking time off without letting me know!"
"I also booked my time off last night, I also emailed you the information it's not my fault you don't read them."
Jungkook was flustered, he'd been surprised then annoyed when he found Jimin had taken the day off.
When he found out he was with Tae his jealousy had risen.
"Why don't you apologise to Jimin, I've just dropped him off, he was really upset from your disagreement ,
Jungkook frowned he digested that bit of information thinking he didn't like the thought of Jimin being upset.
"I'm the boss why should I apologise?"
"Because you're being a jealous dick and Jimin doesn't know why your acting like this, so unless you want someone else to get close to that sexy little bundle tell him!"
"I swear to god Tae if you weren't my friend I'd kick your ass!"
"Yer sure, now haven't you got somewhere to be?"
"He didn't seem in a good mood with me," Jungkook whined.
Tae just raised his eyebrows and left the office .
Jungkook drummed his fingers on the desk, then he took his phone out and rang Jimins number after a few rings it was picked up.
"Jimin I........"
"Is it important? I'm very busy at the moment thinking of ways to kill you so if that's all......"
The line went dead, Jungkook stared at his phone, did he just say.......?
He picked his things up and stormed out of his office, driving over to Jimins. Slamming his car door he went to Jimins door ringing the bell noisily.
It opened and an angry little chick stood there.
"What do you want, it's my day off, you Neanderthal !"
"Why are you shouting at me!!"
"Because you spoilt my day!"
"Oh the day you took off without telling me after we spent the weekend together, and which you spent with someone else!"
"Yes! At least he made me laugh and have fun til you spoilt it!"
"Why didn't you ask me to spend the day shopping with you!"
"Because I wanted to surprise you, I wanted to show you how I can be not boring Jimin, I can't match up to the people you mix with but I wanted to do better...... and you got cross at me , it made me sad........"Jimin whispered the last words, suddenly embarrassed at the fact he had wanted to impress the other. He looked down at the floor.
Jungkook was shaken , Jimin had done this for him,
He gently brushed his fingers down Jimins cheek,
"I'm sorry I shouted, I didn't mean to spoil your day you look absolutely amazing by the way...., but you always have."
Jimin rubbed his face against the others hand," why were you so cross then?"
"I um, I er was jealous."
Jimins eyebrows raised," you were jealous why?"
" because you...., didn't ask me to go you asked another man...."
"Oh you were jealous that Tae was with me? But he's your friend why would you be jealous of us together, do you like him?"
"Of course I like him but, I like you even more,"
"Oh!..........,like how?"
"Can I come in, I'll show you,"
Jimin frowned then stepped back allowing Jungkook to walk in, he closed the door , two hands immediately spun him around and pushed him against the door and a pair of lips smashed into his, the kiss was deep and passionate, leaving Jimin gasping.
"I like you in the way a couple like each other, I'm jealous if your around other men and I want to be the only one to touch you, kiss you...., fuck you," Jungkook growled out.
Jimin gulped,"y-you mean like a real boyfriend ?"
"Yes, can't you tell?"
"How can I you know I've never really had one , I thought you wanted me to get more confident so that you could like me..., I'm so confused....."
Jungkook hugged the small boy to him," Jimin will you be my boyfriend, I like the way you make me feel, I like who you are."
Jimins face creased into a smile," yes Kookie, I will be your boyfriend ," then he blushed,"can we do more of you know that stuff we did at yours?"
Jungkook laughed at the others red face," most definitely, but this time I'll make you mine, fully."
Jimin's face went beetroot, then," when?"
"When you come to mine again, I'd say now , here but I don't think your fully prepared with what we need."
"A-are you at yours?"
Jungkook nodded.
"Well I think I'd like to stay over.....tonight."
Jungkook swooped down kissing Jimins red face,
"well grab yourself a few bits and we will go," he said to the smaller eyes full of lust.
Jimin nodded wondering exactly what he was letting himself in for as he rushed to pack a small bag and was then pulled along by a suddenly hurrying Jungkook.

My quiet boyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ