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It was cold. His breath came out in clouds of steam, little wisps that floated upwards in small swirls before disappearing. He hugged himself closer, his tatty coat tight on his body. He rubbed his arms in a desperate attempt, but with a combination of the breeze blowing in through the broken windows and his lack of protection, it was worthless.

His mum's drunken yells echoed through the tiny house, bouncing off the glass bottles and beer cans that littered the dusty rooms. The boyfriend was quiet.

She always got the ones who didn't talk.

Glass smashed on the street, and equally smashed voices followed the noise in an uproar. Liam lived in the shady part of town, the part that slept during the day and was up during the night. It was in the middle of the city, shrouded by tall shiny buildings with flashing business signs.

His mum swore at the boyfriend.

Both men in the house were quiet.

For the tenth time that day, Liam wished it could be better.

Meanwhile, Grace was sitting in one of these tall shiny buildings.

She was warm. The sealed apartment stopped the frozen wind before the heater was even needed. Her body was covered by a furry pink blanket, and she snuggled beneath it on a cosy queen-sized bed.

Her mum called her in for dinner, her tone loving, soft.

His mum found him in the front room, entering with a yell, her tone drunk, empty.

She smiled, because she could. Because it was natural.

He didn't, because he didn't have a reason to; besides, he didn't even know how.


all rights reserved. this is my book. do not copy or take any part of it without my permission.

copyright @wolfbell 2015

[ coming soon ]

anywho, hope you like it!

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