A Mysterious Message

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Slamming down the phone, I slide down the wall crying.

The man said he was my father and he "misses me so much," I was so disgusted with the call I couldn't respond.

The kitchen clock was blurred as I tried to read it. The house felt so warm, almost like an oven and I needed some air. I slid open the back yard door so I could be cooled by the brisk breeze.

Leaving the door open I begin to walk back to the couch when I get a glance of my front door. A man was shadowed in the stain glass window above the door peek hole. I turn around to close the back door as I look back at the front door no one was there.

Suddenly my mother screeches on top of her lungs. Stunned at the sound I dart up the stairs and into her room, she was on the floor, bleeding out all over the white carpet. Rushing to her side I hold her in my arms, as tears stream down my face I whimper

"mom! Don't go! Please!! I can't do this on my own..."

Her breathing slows and my tears drench the sleeve of her shirt

"I love you," she whispers in the most faint voice.

As my voice quivers I manage to let the last thing she hears is me saying the saying the same,

"I love you mom. I always will."

Waking up in a cold sweat full of fear I rip off the covers. I run to check up on my mother. Dashing into my mother's room almost dislocating the door from its hinges. My mother immediately sits up in her bed.

"What is wrong? Are you ok?" She mumbles half awake. Relieved, I sigh quite loudly and gently sit on the edge of her bed with my back towards her and my eyes fixed on the doorway. She begins to talk and I shut her out for a few minutes, my mind takes control of me and I get up and walk down stairs. I open the front door and walk outside. I keep walking, not knowing where I am going or what is happening. My eyes are open and my mind is awake, but I am watching foreign things happen to my body, I cannot stop it; so I continue walking, and watch someone take control of me.

I soon end up at the back of Greens Market where a black car was stationed, I get into the car and notice a man dressed in black a black trench coat sitting idly in the drivers seat. He looks at me and begins to drive quite recklessly, with sudden stops and sharp turns we soon end up in the middle of the woods.

My arms are tied behind me and I hear the sound of a woman's laughter. The man quickly turns to find a group of people near by, I attempt to scream for help, but my voice was muted. I felt helpless as I struggled to untie myself while the man pushes down on my shoulders placing me on my knees. He stares at me dead in the eyes and pulls out a gun from his coat pocket.

Pointing it directly at my head he growls " You were never meant to be here anyways." With the pull of the trigger,


A bullet shot right through my head and the world was turned off. There I lie, in the middle of the woods dead with no one to see me and no one to care.

AN: PLOT TWIST! Comment on what you think will happen next and what you think of the ending? Thanks for reading xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2015 ⏰

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