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SpringBonnies POV- I wake up we have to perform in 20 minutes great I'm really tired *walks to dressing room * gets changed * I have to brush my golden locks almost done and I'm ready oh wait my bow *puts on bow* *walks out to the stage to practice Fred-bears POV- looks like spring is out on stage already she probably looks so cute anyway *walks to dressing room * gets changed* alright 2 more minutes well I better hurry *dashes to stage* hey spring SpringBonnie- oh hi Fred-bear- um spring I like springBonnie I-I lo- Fred-bear *runs of scared she will say she doesn't like him back* SpringBonnie - WAIT Fred-bear- *gives SpringBonnie note *SpringBonnie *takes note* * reads note* checks a box* gives note back* Fred-bear-*hugs spring in tears* and then...

Spring x FredWhere stories live. Discover now