Fighting Fear

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Xia's POV

I stayed with Nick till he was fully healed and I was trying to find the correct moment to ask him who really did it to him without the cryptic answers he was a couple days off being 100% so I decided to take him out so we could talk. We had also been sharing a bed cause he had been getting nightmares ever since I found him bloodied, on this particular morning I had woke up first so I decided to slowly get up to make breakfast for us both and as I went to he woke up screaming and crying so I decided to stay and settle him down so I just held him in my arms until he calmed down once he had calmed down I asked him what the nightmare was about and he said something that surprised me "You got into a car crash and I'd lost you forever" I just held him and reassured him that I wasn't going anywhere anytime soon your not getting rid of me that soon once I had him fully settled I told him I was going to make breakfast and asked him "Do you want to come help me make it" he said "No thanks I'm gonna go get a shower whilst your making it" I don't know why but it kinda hurt me when he said he didn't want to help I knew he'd been hurt before but I didn't realise it was too the extent where he didn't want let anyone in ever again.

Nick's POV

As I went to get in the shower it was almost like I'd felt a arrow go through my heart when I turned down her offer to help her make breakfast I thought to myself "No I can't let another girl in I'll just get hurt again and I can't handle that", after I had finished washing up I went downstairs to see what Xia was making and it was her pancakes again which were delicious and only got better every time I had them. After we were finished eating she took me out and whilst we were walking she asked "So who actually bloodied you and I don't want no cryptic answers or nothing" I answered her "Nikki and Killian Nikki cause she was my Girlfriend for like 4 months until she cheated on me with Killian I had just gotten back from Japan when I found out Nikki and Killlian bloodied me A because Nikki blames me for it and B cause Killian had felt like I betrayed him when I found them in bed together so they found me kicked crap out of me and here we are" she just wrapped her arms around me and said "I would never hurt you like that I don't know why anyone would hurt you like that" I just stood there in shock at what was happening right now but my heart just accepted it despite my brain telling me to push her away.

Xia's POV 

How could Nikki do this to him he doesn't deserve it whatsoever I apparently said that last part out loud cause he said "I know I didn't" so I asked him if there were any other times you had been cheated on he just "One other time but let's not get into that right now" so I decided to ask him "Why don't you let people get close to you anymore" he replied with "Cause I don't wanna get hurt again" I just hugged him tighter and took him back to his place, once they got back to his driveway he saw a car there and didn't want to get out of the car but I just said "Whoever it is I'm here with you there's no need to be scared when I'm here" once we got out we were confronted by the people who were in the car by the driveway and it was Nikki and Killian 

K = Killian

NC = Nikki Cross

N = Nick

X = Xia

MM = Millie McKenzie

PD = Pete Dunne

N = What do you guys want now??

NC = Oh so this is who you were with while we were dating was it!!

X = Actually no we only met a couple of days before you guys bloodied him

K = Oh so your the reason he looks nicely healed up

X = Yeah is there an issue with that??

NC = Yes actually there is cause then we can't show the world what we did to him I guess were just gonna have to do it again so we can show the world this time

X = I don't think so Nikki you see there's one big difference to last time and this time 

NC = Oh yeah what is it

X = It's not 2 on 1 this time

K = Oh what so you think you being here will make a difference guess we're gonna have blood-gen both of you's

TS = I don't think so mate 

NC = Oh look another meal

TB = Oh yeah what about me and my backup

MM = Hi guys I heard my blood brother was getting harassed

PD = Killian your lucky I don't kill you after all you have done to him

N = You see this time I came prepared when I waited those couple minutes to get out of the car it was to let them get here cause I knew you guys were here thanks to my cameras which the lovely Miss Brookside helped me install so once I knew you guys were here a message was sent out to these guys instantly cause I knew you guys would try something like this so if I were you guys I'd leave me and everyone here alone for good otherwise I'll have you personally arrested for assault and harassment *pulls out phone and plays sound recording of attack from a few weeks earlier* and here's the proof so run along now and forever.

A few hours later

Nick's POV

"Thank god that's dealt with and thank you Xia for being there for me when I needed it most" she said " No problem I would do anything to help you after how you dealt with my ex" I asked "Have you got anything from him lately" she said "Yes only through social media though so I just blocked him on everything I even blocked his number so couldn't reach me that way" I said "That's a good thing at least when's your next taping scheduled" she said "Next Tuesday I think" I thought to myself I should get a front row seat I was quickly snapped out of those by Xia asking when my next Indie show is I said "This Friday I think at Progress" 

Xia's POV

I thought hmmm might ask to join him for the show I was quickly snapped out of those Nick inviting me to come along I honestly don't know how he knows what to ask when I'm thinking these thoughts I answered him by saying "Yes I'd love to come I can't wait to see Jim and all the others".


Has Nick finally decided to let Xia in or will she have to keep trying to get in small circle.

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