Filling the Void

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It was noon and the sun was shining bright in the sky winter overhead. Dark gray snow clouds threatened to blot out of the sun but the warm rays kept the cold and the snow at bay for just a while longer much to everyone's relief. The winter was just beginning to settle in and chill the city, and as much as Hank hated wintertime he wasn't angered or even annoyed at the increasingly cold temperature as he parked the Oldsmobile along the edge of the dirt driveway that encircled the peaceful expanse of land as he emotionally steeled his heart. In that moment Hank more important things to worry about than a chill in the air or a little snow on the ground.

A deep, ruby red rose and two white lilies that rivaled the snow crunching underfoot were clutched in Hank's strong hands. Somberly he made his way over to the two headstones that belonged to that of his late wife, his late firstborn son and adopted third son as he paid them a long overdue visit.

Kneeling down in the snow front of the headstones Hank placed the lilies down before the stone monuments and wiped away a tear as he read the text on the gilded plaques that bore the names engraved over the pristine surfaces.

It had been months since he stopped by the pay respects to his family, but with big changes on the horizon Hank decided enough time had passed.

"Hey, Barb. I still miss you, honey."

Hank greeted his late wife in a calm level voice even as more tears formed in his blue eyes.

"It's a new year and everything is changing, this time it's for the better. I still miss you, but it's been easier since Connor moved in. I wish you could've been here to meet him yourself, he's a brunette and I remember how much you loved my hair back before it went gray from stress."

Running his hand through his shorter hair he laughed a little at himself.

"He's also an animal lover and fights to protect kids, deviants and when necessary, women. You two would've made an awesome team at the precinct."

As he spoke Hank felt a sense of pride for his adopted son's accomplishments.

"Yesterday was a huge victory for all deviants throughout the city, and it's only going to spread further across the entire planet. It's safe to say peace has finally been declared between humans and deviants, and now Connor and Luke won't have to fight anymore."

Gently Hank brushed his hand right over the name on the headstone to remove what little bits of ice and wayward snowflakes were clinging to the plaque to clear off Barbara's name.

"I can't believe I actually have Luke back in my life, I never thought I'd get a family member back from the dead."

Glancing at Lucas's honorary headstone Hank placed a lily atop of it out of mutual respect and the need to acknowledge the deviant who had fallen only to rise again.

"When I lost Cole I was convinced my heart would never heal, but when I ended up working with Connor and watching over this rookie, kid detective who had no idea how horribly cruel human's could be toward innocent androids like him... Well that changed. I was surprised to learn that I could in fact find some part of me still willing to reach out and bond with someone else. And I was more surprised that a part of me that was willing to forgive and actually change for the better."

The admission felt like Hank was removing a heavy weight of past burden from his still healing heart as he proudly looked to the future.

"Connor helped fill that painful void left behind after I lost you and then Cole, and when Lucas was killed I felt that same void opening back up. Then when I saw that happening to Connor after he lost his little brother and then his bondmate - his wife, Skye, I fought with everything I had to make sure he he didn't get lost in a darkness of anger and despair. I almost lost him when Skye was killed for trying to do the right thing, but by either some miracle or sheer luck I was able to find Connor and save him before he froze himself to death in the middle of the forest out of grief."

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