the airport (again)

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Oikawa's cries could be heard throughout the whole airport. He clung to Iwaizumi and sobbed into his friend's t-shirt.

"Aw c'mon man..." Iwaizumi grumbled, patting Oikawa on the back sympathetically.

Y/N stood by herself a couple of feet away, using a tissue to wipe her tears. Watching as her boyfriend said goodbye to his best friend was heartbreaking.

Oikawa only stayed in California for a week and it seemed too short to him as he was about to go to his terminal. "Don't forget me Iwa!" He cried some more. The brutish man shook his head, "I could never forget you shittykawa."

Using his free hand, Iwaizumi called Y/N over to join their hug. She gladly accepted and jogged over, throwing her arms tight around the two boys.

"It was so nice to meet you!" Y/N said, small tears still lingering in her eyes.

Oikawa pulled away and tried to gather himself. He took a look at the girl who changed his best friend's life and couldn't help but feel an overwhelming amount of love for her. "You sure are something." He smiled and wrapped the girl in a soft one-on-one embrace. Y/N buried her face further into Oikawa, squeezing the life out of him.

"Alright! Alright! You better get going." Iwaizumi stated while pushing Oikawa's bag closer to him.

The couple stayed behind, hands intertwined as they waved a final goodbye to their friend. "Text me!" Oikawa called, putting his sunglasses on and going through his gate.

"I'll miss him." Y/N smiled bittersweetly and Iwaizumi pulled her in closer. "Me too."

"And you leave back to Japan in a couple months, what happens then?" The girl looked up at him with more tears as she thought of having to let him go.

He gave her a hug, kissing the top of her head reassuringly, "It'll all work out, Y/N. We'll make it work."


The days seemed to slip away as the next three months went on. Y/N and Iwaizumi had grown to be inseparable, not going anywhere without the other.

As they stood hand in hand in front of Iwaizumi's gate, they were both nervous about what the future had in store for them.

Iwaizumi gave her a sad smile and took both of her hands in his. "You have my number, I'll call you every day." The girl didn't try to stop her tears as they cascaded down her face. "It's only a few months apart, we'll be okay." She said, mostly to herself.

"I have something for you," Iwaizumi said, pulling a small box from his backpack. "Don't open it until I leave." Y/N set the box on the floor and smiled at it.

They wrapped their arms around each other, their heartbeats in sync. Iwaizumi rested his head on hers and let out a sigh. 'Goodbye California...'


Y/N separated herself from him, taking deep breaths. "I love you, Iwa."

Iwaizumi felt tears start to well in his own eyes, "I love you more, Y/N." He took his hand and caressed her face, kissing her soft and slow. As the tears collided on their cheeks they stayed there, just enjoying the kiss, for what felt like forever.

"I have to go." He said though he wished he didn't have to.

Y/N nodded, knowing this was inevitable. "Give Oikawa a hug for me." The boy laughed at her statement and pulled her close for one last hug.

Iwaizumi took his bag and walked backward slowly through his gate, waving sadly at his girlfriend. She waved back, picking his present up off the floor.

As she saw him disappear into the airport she opened the packaging. Inside, amongst the crazy amount of tissue paper, was a mini statue of Old Constantinople. The glittery finish shone in the light. Y/N looked further inside and found a note:

'We'll always have the golden dome.

Yours forever, Iwa'

Y/N chuckled to herself and held the letter close to her chest, dreaming of when she'd get to see him again.


a/n: and that's the end! thank you for all the love! i hope you all enjoyed :)

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