Chapter 12

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A/N : yes i know I took a while to update but it's school has my ass busy but I'll try to update when I can anyways here y'all go enjoy-JJ

''pardon me, dr grey. You are not allowed in here. It is a private room''. They were politely trying to kick me out but I didn't back down.

''I apologize but I couldn't help but interrupt this. You are not making sense at all. Not wanting to hire a woman based on things you heard from the media? That's very ignorant''.

Dr.Hamilton nodded understanding my point. '' Thank you Dr Chang , I will attend to you later. Please leave Dr grey and I alone.

Dr Chang just nodded, closing the door behind him with a small thud.

''I might sound unreasonable.....But please listen to me before you go trying to blame me for anything''. He gestured for me to take a seat, I complied, willing to listen to him.

'' Dr Montgomery is a very well capable women . In fact I think she'd fit in here perfectly considering her specialty and her title she'd be great for the hospital. And as for regarding her marital status... he paused  and took a deep breath. '' I had originally planned for someone else to be here and do this surgery but turns out she was out on important business so I had to call dr Montgomery and I assure you I didn't intend to cause anything by saying anything about her of course''.

I pursed my lips. ''well she isn't what they portray on the media so stop assuming as such and as for the Married part we actually are planning to get married within the year, Rest assured ''.

I know it was wrong to even say that knowing I was lying like that and I'd probably regret it sooner than later , but I wasn't thinking straight. The only thing that was on my mind was the surgery and Addison and how just oh how perfect Addison is and how badly I don't want to ruin whatever it is that's going on between us.

''Then I hope that is it then your free to go now and congratulations on your marriage Dr Grey''. He said giving me a small smile

I nodded, uneasy. I I wonder if my boss will finally fire me or not.

''By the way Paul.... I would prefer if you keep this a secret between us. We haven't announced it publicly yet. I don't even have the ring yet !''

''Of course.'' He waved a dismissive hand ''I am sorry I had to know like this ''.

''it's alright. We were planning to tell everyone soon anyways''. I sheepishly smiled


''Where have you been ?I've been searching for you everywhere''. Addison asked, her voice laced with concern.

''I was in the washroom. I kind of lost my way from there''.

''At least you found your way back ''.

I bit my lip nervously playing with my hands
''Addison, I need to tell you something''.

''Go on''

I felt a knot of regret tightening at the bottom of my stomach. But Addison needed to know. ''When I was returning back from the washroom I came across-''Before I could complete what I wanted to say I was interrupted by Paul.

''Dr Montgomery Im hoping to discuss something with you in private ''

''yes sure. Meredith will you excuse me...''. I nodded indicating her to to go with him.

''Oh Dr. Grey, you may join us as well ''.

I followed both of them into the room , my heart was beating so hard that I was dubious whether Addison could hear me or not.

''Meredith you okay ? You look deathly pale... she asked, with a worried expression over her face.

''I'm fine '' I'f only she'd knows what I'd done.

We all entered the empty office room, taking a seat on the plush sofa at the corner of the room facing the skyscraper.

''Dr Montgomery you were great, we can discuss more of your contract later I'm on board , but it also depends on the rest of the board which I wouldn't doubt they'd let you go.

Addison gave a candid smile showing her pearly whites, making my heart melt. ''Thanks Paul it's always a pleasure to come here and help out any time'' they shook hands

''You should thank your fiancé too ; I was almost on the verge of saying no''. Paul said laughing

Addison looked perplexed, her emerald eyes lighting up in confusion. ''What fiancé ? What do you mean ?''

'' your fiancé is the reason why'd you get to work here or partly the reason better to settle for less and have a kick ass surgeon than a careless one am I right '' he laughed clarifying as If Addison hadn't heard him

''But I don't-'' before Addison could say more I Interjected

''Addie , Paul knows about us. I told him about the proposal''.

''What proposal ? What the hell are you talking about ?''

''No need to play dumb anymore, Montgomery''. He laughed Airily. '' in fact if Dr grey here didn't tell me about your engagement we wouldn't have hired you''I wanted someone who was willing to settle and not be careless or anything less than that for example arrogance and so on you get the gist right''.

Addison scrunched her emerald green eyes in confusion. '' you wouldn't have wanted me to get the contract if I was willing to settle down'' ?

'' you see it's the reputation that you have and we just couldn't have you dragging this hospitals name through the mud with you'' Paul explained

'' so I was only getting hired solely based on the fact that I was going to get engaged to Dr. Grey here ?''. Addison said calmly, her  jaw tense.

'' yes and no I was hiring you based on your surgical skills your the best one in your field aside from that the other personal issues you have alone'' Paul sensed the edge in Addison's voice

'' then I would like to take your leave. Thank you for this opportunity''.

Addison Strided towards the door,roughly taking my hand in Hers. '' let's go. We need to celebrate''. She said not even looking at me. This doesn't look good , judging from her expression she was trying her best fake smile and contained herself.


''I'm sorry, I didn't exactly have a choice ''! I reasoned. She pressed on the accelerator harder ignoring me , steering the car to the right. With a loud screech, my body flinged towards the left.

She has been driving at a rapidly climbing speed constantly accelerating as she changed lanes. I had  a bad feeling we were going to get a ticket soon

''Addison ,please slow down .'' I gripped on the seat belt.

Silence she just kept on looking straight head and driving. I glanced at the dashboard she was not slowing down anytime soon.

The whole ride I just kept praying that we don't get killed and after a long dreadful time we were finally at the hotel.

I unbuckled the seatbelt and ran out of the car ''Meredith wait !''she called out from behind me ' oh now she cares to acknowledge me.

''Jesus Addison do you have a fucking death  wish ?'' I said through gritted teeth, stomping through the lobby into the elevator. Addison got in along with a middle aged man who looked vaguely familiar but I decided to ignore him since I was to busy handling Addison

The Elevator closed Addison faced me ''Meredith baby please listen-''

''Don't baby me ! I know you were pissed but you had no right to risk our life and drive that recklessly. Besides I did all of these just to help you. I knew how hard you worked to get to now. I am sorry I had to lie about-''

Before I could finish, Addison silenced me by pressing her lips against mine.

A/N : honestly it made my blood boil having to write for Meredith it's like I wanted to punch her through my screen but unfortunately I can't anyways I think they both are a little crazy until next time lovlies -JJ

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