Chapter One

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° The Family Disappointment°

Ceres Rosier was born to be married off to another Pureblood to continue one of the many family names in the Sacred Twenty-eight. She was taught how to be a lady, and a lady is seen and not heard. She was essentially a background character in her own life at only twelve years old. Every one always did the speaking for her, never once asking her what she thought about the situations they put her in, and Merlin help her if she ever spoke out of turn.

She thought Hogwarts would change that. She had this, special ability to change her appearance at will. Of course her mother had forbid her from using it, she always wanted her to be perfect though so she did use it in little ways. Her mother would have a fit if her freckles were visible. She could finally use her gift and learn about it from the library. She was going to make sure she ended up in any house that wasn't Slytherin just to spite her. Even if it meant knowing she would be kicked out. Anywhere is better than Rosier Manor.

September first had Ceres practically chewing her nails down to the quick. She had put a lot of thought into her plan but now that it was finally time to put it into action, she was sick with nerves.

"Ceres Evangeline, remember what I told you." Her mother said in her stern voice.

She looked up and her and gave the short squat woman a timid smile. Her graying head shone in the light, like threads in a spider's web, she had surely peaked in Hogwarts.

She was a woman of few words, unless the words were cruel.

"Don't worry mother, I'll do as I'm told." She said softly.

Yeah, what the hat tells me to do. Ceres thought to herself.

She boarded the scarlet engine with only a cat in a cage and her wand, everything else was loaded for her. She walked slowly, looking for an open compartment for her and her black cat she called Nyx.

That was until two loud boys bumped into her from behind.

"Oi! Don't you ever watch where you're going?!" Said a voice from behind her. Ceres balled her fists so tight that her palms stung as she turned around. There stood two identical ginger boys, short and stocky, covered in freckles. She couldn't tell which one had bumped into her.

"Didn't you see me walking?" She asked in a curt tone.

"Blimey, your hair!" Was the first thing one of the boys asked since their rude introduction. His brown eyes were wide, as if he'd never seen a girl before.

"What about it?" Ceres asked irritably.

"It was brown just a second ago, now it's black!" The boy said. Ceres rolled her eyes.

"That's because I'm a Metramorphmagus." Ceres said in a bored tone.

"No way. I think it was a trick of the light Fred." The boy on the right said to his twin.

"No I really am, I'm not taking the piss." Ceres said as she concentrated really hard. She wanted her hair to turn ginger like theirs. Seconds later she lifted a lock to her face to see that it worked.

"See? Not a trick of the light." Ceres said with a smile, their rude introduction was forgotten as the boy's suddenly looked at her in awe.

"That was Brilliant!" The boyon the left, Fred exclaimed.

"Well I'm not allowed to-"

"Ceres Evangeline!" She winced as she heard her brother Felix's nasally voice. Her hair returned to its original color.

"What did mother tell you about your abnormality? And associating with Weasleys? Mother would be angry if I told her." Felix tutted.

Ceres turned around eyes widened at Phelix. "You wouldn't." She said timidly. She knew for a fact that Felix would indeed tell their mother. He enjoyed listening to her screams.

"Tell you what, since you didn't know, I'll let it slide, show no one else and never talk to those blood traitors again. You're a disgrace to the Rosier family name." Felix said harshly before walking off to join his friends.

Ceres turned around Weakly, only to see the boys glaring at her.

"Your last name is Rosier? As in Evan Rosier?" Fred asked in a harsh tone.

"Unfortunately..." Ceres said looking down at her shoes. She knew both her mother and father were death eaters, how her mother managed to stay out of Azkaban was beyond her.

"Don't speak to us ever again." Fred said coldly.

She nodded and wordlessly picked Nyx's cage up and walked away, hoping nobody saw her tears.

There goes her fresh start at freedom. Ruined by her older brother and her Surname.

A/n: so this is my little attempt at an introduction to my OC.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 ⏰

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