Chapter 1

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I finally found a good enough plot to write that passed my expectations, after me and my brain had a heated argument about it, and has given me a few, but this is the only one that passed, so please enjoy... I can't even believe I'm doing this... Thank you Addiesthetic
I'm outta here!
Alicia was just relaxing in her and Ali's bedroom, when she heard a crash downstairs, her, being the former M. A. T. A. agent she is (That still goes on missions weekly) rushed downstairs and went to the source of the crash... There she found Ali, picking up pieces of a shattered glass cup, with their cat, Comot Jr. right beside him... She sighed in relief and in a bit of annoyance... Though, thank M. A. T. A. that he isn't hurt...
Alicia: *sighs* You are hopeless, Ali Ghazali
Ali: *chuckles sheepishly* Sorry, I was washing it because Comot licked it all around... It slipped from my hand when I was putting it away
Alicia: It's fine, it's just a cup
Ali:Ok then, thanks... *smiles sheepishly*
Alicia felt a sudden urge to throw up, she ran to the sink and puked in it, she swiftly turned on the faucet, and wet her hand she rinsed the out side of her mouth as Ali rushed to her side, rubbing her back... (That was quick...)
Ali: Are you ok, honey?
Alicia: Yeah, I am... It just must be something I ate... *turns off faucet*
Ali: Ok, if you're sure...
Alicia: I'm heading up to our room to rest
Alicia walked upstairs, once she was out of earshot, she ran up to their room, and closed their door and locked it quietly... She ran to their bathroom, curiosity getting the best of her... She locked and closed the door, she ducked under their sink and grabbed a box... It was a pregnancy test kit... Our Alicia must be crazy enough to touch this!! More over even use it!! But she was just dying to know if she was, actually...
~5 Minutes Later~
Alicia was petrified of the results... It tested a positive... She got another one and it also tested positive... She knows that she and Ali had plans of having children in the future, but this was to soon, the two, or she, wasn't prepared... And she needed to tell Ali as soon as possible... But she was to terrified to even move at this point... She let herself calm down in a few minutes... She ran her hand through her short, raven black, silky hair as she walked down the stairs...
Alicia: Ali, honey?
Ali: Hm, yes? *continues scrolling through his phone*
Tears strat streaming down Alicia's face... Ali turned his head when Alicia fell silent... The he actually saw her cry... His eyes widened... He rushed to her side, she softly cried into his shoulder... Ali had never seen her cry ever since the 'Azurium Incident'... There was no way Alicia can confess to him... She was absolutely terrified of Ali's reaction, he could be sad, mad, happy, or even overjoyed... But the reaction Alicia was most terrified of... Was pissed...
Ali: Honey, what's wrong..?
Alicia: *sobbing* C-Can you promise me one thing, first?
Ali: What is it?
Alicia: Please don't freakout...
Ali: I won't, now please tell me what's wrong...
Alicia: I-I... I'm pregnant (Straightforward, I like itt, she brave to even say it infront if his face)
Ali: *eyes widen* No way...
Alicia: *whimpers and breathes heavily* I can't take it... I'm so sorry
Alicia ran upstairs, she locked herself in her and Ali's bathroom, Ali ran after her, only to end up watch the door slam shut in his face... He sat down, infront of said door... He heard Alicia sobbing on the other side... He has never seen her this vulnerable before... Then he realized why she was crying... This was unexpected, and she wasn't prepared to be a mother yet... She just turned 24 a week or so ago...
Ali: Hey, I uh... I just want you to know that... I'm not mad at you, just a bit shocked... I'm actually really happy... But I'll give you some space if you need it... Just... Knock if you need anything... I-I'll stay here, so... Yeah... *stands up*
Alicia: *hears Ali standing up* A-Ali, wait...
Ali: Hm?...
Alicia: I-I need you... *unlocks door*
Ali slowly walked in, trying his very best of not stress Alicia out any further... She has severe anxiety (HC of mine :]) , but she hid it very well all these years... Ali only knew about it ever since they got engaged... He sat beside her, rubbing her shoulder until she calms down...
Ali: It's ok honey... We'll give this baby or babies, the best life ever, specially with a mother like you... We'll get through this, I promise you...
Alicia: Ok... Thank you...
HAI!! I'M FINALLY BACK GUYS!! AFTER A LONG HIATUS!! But anyway, sorry if I proofed away with no warning, sorry if I kept you guys waiting for days!! But, the only reason I went away was because I took a break, but I'm back baby and I'm ready to make even more chappies!! 😁😄😄😁

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