The Pack Meeting

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Sitting on top of a cliff with a breeze flowing through my fur, I felt relaxed. Especially with a beautiful scenery of a full moon shining on the ocean. The scent of fresh air tickled the inside of my nose. A twitch of my ear reacting to the sound of howling in the distance got my full attention. Before I took off I scanned the horizon to make sure trouble wasn't lurking around. Then I ran back to where my pack was. From the sound of the howl, the message was that a pack meeting was about to start.

On my arrival to the mansion, I smelt trouble and a visitor. Transforming back into human form, I made my way to the dining room and found father. He greeted me the usual way in front of people by introducing me to everyone. When father was done, I pulled him to the side to talk.

"Father, I smelt a visitor on my way in."

"Does it bother you Rayne?"

"The only part that bothers me is that not only did I sense a stranger, but trouble."

The moment I said "trouble" father tensed up. He always liked it when I could sense trouble because he wants good communication throughout the pack.

"Attention everyone," father started, "our visitor is about to arrive and please try to be nice. You will see why when he or she shows up."

There was some chatter, but when a new scent entered it was dead quiet. Walking down the hall was a girl wearing a short, strapless, red dress that got the red carpet from the boys. I for one, did not like her appearance, scent or demeanor. Thing is it didn't matter where trouble came from because it somehow walks straight into me. Now I know why father glanced at me when he made the announcement. I wanted to get a closer look because something was off. Not just that, but the woman's scent was not a werewolf's. I even whispered to father in his ear that something was about to happen.

"It's very nice to meet you. My name is Leo, and you are?"

"My name is Diva. It's nice to meet you Sir Leo."

They shook hands, and father continued the pack meeting by serving some food to everyone. Everyone was having fun, but from the corner of my eye I noticed Diva leave without saying anything. Father walked past me, while sliding a note in my hands. In a matter of minutes father wanted to get the real pack meeting started. But first he wanted me to go change real fast. My outfit wasn't very appealing, so I switched to my long, black, silky dress. I quickly unfolded the note to see what it said.


Be careful around Diva. The main reason I say this is because she's a vampire. Also there's someone new that just joined our pack. I'd like you to meet him when you come back down.


Well that explains everything - the Diva part. I added my mother's necklace as an accessory with the addition of some black heels. Looking in my mirror, I felt like I should do something with my hair, so I just pulled it up in a bun. Father expected everyone to dress casually for meetings. Not sure why, but we had after parties after our meetings. Going down the stairs, I hear father talking to someone. He heard me coming, and stood there as if he were my date.

"Rayne, this is our new pack member Sorel. Sorel this is my lovely daughter Rayne."

"It's very nice to meet you," Sorel said kissing my hand.

"Rayne my dear, could you show Sorel around the house?"

"Of course father. Please come this way," I said leading Sorel away from the big crowd.

The first place I wanted to show him was our upstairs library, but I had to make a pit stop to my room first. When I glanced over at Sorel, his eyes were a mixture of grey and silver. When we got to my room Sorel took a seat on my bed while I looked around.

"I'm sorry Sorel. I'll just be a moment."

"It's okay I understand."

While Sorel looked around for a bit, I finally found it - the pack seal. I wanted to take it slow for Sorel, since he was a new member. He was right behind me when I turned around.

"What's that?" he said looking down at my hands.

I didn't realize that my hands were on his chest until I felt his muscles flex.

"It's our pack seal. I wanted to wait to put it on you."

"Why don't you do it now?" he said grabbing my hand.

Staring into his eyes, I forgot what I was going to say. Sorel did not say anything, but deep in his eyes I saw that he was hurting. I wanted to talk to him about why he was hurting, but at the same time I didn't want to invade his personal space. We stood there for a while, not saying a word, and looked into each other's eyes. Why did I have this sudden urge to hold him in my arms? His face was getting closer to mine, and all I did was put my arms around him for a hug.

"Why are you crying?" he said pulling away.

"I-I don't know. I'm sorry."

When he brought me closer, he whispered, "everything's going to be okay." At that moment I completely forgot about father and the meeting. I knew if I didn't go down father would get worried. My mind was all fogged up, and I felt a little light-headed. So many things were going through my head that I fainted in Sorel's arms. I could very faintly hear voices while Sorel held me in an embrace.

"Sir Leo, your daughter just fainted, and I wasn't sure what to do. Would you like me to put her in her bed?"

"What? My poor daughter fainted?! Oh yes please do! Thank you Sorel and welcome to our pack. I can already see some potential in you."

Father sounded so worried and I wanted to let him know that I was okay, but I couldn't open my eyes. At the touch of my bed, I melted into it with Sorel lying next to me.

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