21} He's The School Nerd - Ethan [Part 2]

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[a/n: so I'm in Scotland and I wrote this while on the car journey because I was bored and tired because I had to wake up at 5am I normally wake up at 11am or later. There's a really really bad wifi connection ugh kill me.]

Your POV:

For the past week Ethan has come up to you asking you random questions which didn't make any sense, but you politely laughed so he didn't feel that bad about his shitty jokes.

"Do my jokes my you laugh?" He unexpectedly asks beside as you eat your sandwich and his voice surprises you, making you choke on it. His firm hand pats your back, hard, causing your ribs to press into the table.

"No, they're shitty." You say annoyed. "Your ruined my lunch." You frowned.

"O-oh. I'm sorry. Let me buy you another." He smiles pointing towards the school cooks, you scrunch your nose in disgust.

"No thanks, I don't like school dinners. Too many hairs found inside." You grab your bag from beside you and standing up.

"Oh well, at least let me tell you another joke, a funny one this time. I know you'll laugh at this, I laughed about it for hours-" you give his a strange look. "-I mean, it's a cool joke." You roll your eyes, telling him to tell you the joke and mentally hitting your head on the wall which you walked past as he hurries behind you.

"Knock, knock." He grins, and you groan at the old 'Knock Knock' jokes.

"Who's there?" You sigh putting your hand on your warm forehead as you walk towards your locker.

"Treza" He laughs, covering his mouth with his hand.

"Treza who?" You ask turning to face him as you stand by your locker.

"Treza Green." He loudly giggles at his not-so funny joke. "I know you're dying not to laugh" His hands poke your sides and you roughly grip his wrist pulling them away from you.

"No." You say sternly. "Keep your hands to yourself." You ignore the awkwardness as you walk away from your locker with Ethan following you around like a lost puppy.

Your eyes roll in frustration as his slumped body walks behind you and you grip your t shirt.

"What?" You turn around to face his unsure face which are covered in his nerdy glasses. "What do you want?" You ask annoyed. His face falters and he whimpers looking to the ground.

"I-I just wanted to talk to you. I mean- your the only person hear that talks to me.." He shyly says pushing up his glasses.

"So you want tips on how to get friends?" You put your hand on your hip and he excitedly nods. "Loose the Geek look and pick up a football instead of a notebook." You turn around and almost instantly regret saying it as you walk away from an upset and hurt Ethan.


Ethan's POV: [a/n: *smirks*]

"But you have to help me." I gush to y/b/f/n.

"Why? Why should I help you?" She judge-ingly looks at me.

"Because if you don't I'll-I'll-I'll die!" I panted moving towards her, my hands wrapping her arms and drilling to her knees. I tried my best to attempt the puppy dog face but I probably looked even worse with my teenage face and nerdy features.

"Get up and stop doing that face." She walks away from me.

"So you'll help me?!" I shout in excitement and stand to my feet.

"Sure." She replies and I fist punch the sky.


Your POV:

Walking into school, you hear people in groups of people talking about their upcoming maths test or their dog eating their hamster. But one thing struck you and you stood to a halt.

"Did you hear about Ethan?"

"Oh my days, Ethan is so hot!"

"Thank God for puberty!"

"Why can't that happen to me over night?"

Your eyebrows furrowed as you walked towards your locker.

"Hey babe." You hear a familiar voice beside you, however you never heard the nickname 'baby' fall from their lips.

You turn you head and see an unfamiliar Ethan leaning against the lockers with his arms crossed against his chest. Your eyes stare wide at his quiffed hair, clear brown eyes, bit lip and clothes that actually fit him.

"Uh-hi?" You say however it comes out as a question. "What happened to you?" You ask in honest disappointment. His brown trousers and vest coat had gone and he was now wearing cream trousers with a colourful t shirt written Hype across it.

"It's a new me." He winks. "I also got put on the football team. Cool init'?" The Ethan you know would never speak to you like this. He would never wink at you, instead he would nervously smile and stutter as he starred at you. He wouldn't stare at you like you're a piece meat, he would stare at you like you were a Godess, like or were the most beautiful person that walked across the plant. But that was all ripped away along with all your hope.

"I guess." You pierce your lips and start walking away from you locker and a not-so-lost-puppy Ethan follows you his arms confidently snaking around your waist and pulling you to him as his teeth sink into his bottom lip. "Get off me!" You push him away causing him to fall against the lockers. He stands against the locker as you push the strap of your bag further up your shoulder as you walk quickly away from him with a frown on your lips.


Sitting in your form [a/n: home room??], a cocky Ethan walks inside with the rest of the football jocks, giving them a fist punch as he glances at you with a look of desire in his shine in his eyes, before sitting down and you only frown at him.

"Books out, class." Your teachers says starring at you all over his glasses. Sighing you pulled your kindle out of your bag to read your book. Eyebrows furrowed you stare at Ethan's 'book'. It's not a comic, or a notepad which he normally draws/writes in or a band magazine but a 'guys magazine'. Which had pictures of cars and topless women. Scrunching your nose sickened and disappointed by the new Ethan before you face your kindle.


"What happened to Ethan?" You ask your group of friends at lunch while getting it your packed lunch.

"I don't know, but he looks so hot!" Your friend beside you gasps while biting into her sandwich.

"Yeah, but he's acting like a dick."

"But at least he's not a perverted-nerd-freak!" Your other friend joins in.

"He's still perverted." You say remembering the way he starred at you, not even starred. He absorbed you with his brown eyes, undressing you. The way his wood coloured eyes scanned your body with lust just this morning and then you think about the giggling-joke telling Ethan who would wank himself while watching anime porn who would be too nervous to even call a nickname and would sit on the bench during P.E while watching you throw the volleyball over the net and blushing every time you caught him starring you.

"I heard he's been pulling loads of girls and some have asked for sex too." Your friend says with food in her mouth.

"Desperate hoes." You mutter under your breathe as Ethan walks into the room with his 'friends' behind him.

[a/n: I'm currently writing Part 3, I wanted to leave a cliff hanger bc I love cliff hangers. Tbh I don't if I like Nerd!Ethan or dick Ethan lmao. Comment who you prefer. I love you.
All the love-Ella]

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