chapter 2: slaying

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James then suddenly stopped dead in his tracked, like he had been starstruck.

But he wasn't the only one to do so. The large-eyed man did too

Neither of them cared about the cop anymore. It was just the two of them, surrounded by nothingness . In the moment, nothing else mattered, everything melted away, the only remaining image being the other's eyes.

It started off with the ted throwing himself to James. And by throwing himself,he meant kissing passionately James, not giving a single thought to laws whatsoever. They continued kissing the old policeman sitting in a row, being too stunned to speak.

And James felt the rough feeling of the stubble and the beard necklace on the man's cheeks, felt the cold tough material of the leather jacket, felt hands grabbing his waist, felt like it was his first kiss ever (his 1st kiss being boring bc he was 21 and little children can't kiss smh ).

As neither of them minded their environment, they found themselves dumbfounded when their whole world became black.

Some sort of cudgel had hit their heads.


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