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A/N: Greetings. I hope you enjoy this chapter. You can give me any feedback if you feel like you truly need to. Oh, and trigger warning for the cursing in case you get triggered by it.

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I let out a little sob. Dion quickly looked back. Once he saw me he quickly rolled off the bed. "Y/N?" I turned around not willing to talk to him and started walking down the stairs. "Y/N!" He ran after me. "Y/N. WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING HERE? I TOLD YOU NOT TO COME HERE TODAY."I stopped where I was and turned to him. I couldn't believe my ears. I just fucking caught him cheating on me with his "study partner" and the first thing he cares about is why I was there in the first place. " WHY WAS I HERE? YOU FUCKING TEXTED ME TO COME HERE DION." "REALLY? FUCKIN SHOW ME THEN BECAUSE I DON'T REMEMBER JACK SHIT ABOUT TELLING YOU TO COME HERE!" I was in pure shock for the second time today. He wants proof. "YOU WANT PROOF? YOU KNOW WHAT HERE." I threw my phone at him. He caught it and unlocked it. I saw him slowly look up from my phone seconds later. "I didn't send you this (Y/N)." He said as he tossed my phone back at me. I may be feeling hurt right now but he has no right to treat me like a dumb person.  "Really Dion? I'm not dumb." "I'M NOT CALLING YOU DUMB (Y/N)!" At this point, I didn't care what he was calling me. All I wanted to do is ball my eyes out and get over him as soon as possible. "You know what Dion. I'm sick of your bullshit. I have tried everything to make this relationship work but at some point, there has to be an end." I slowly looked up from the ground. "(Y/N) please don't-" "It's too late for that Dion. I have been giving you chances for weeks but you kept on going." It looked like he had tears in his eyes. "(Y/N) she didn't mean anything. I just needed someone to help me in more of the sexual area since you weren't doing it." I quietly giggled to myself. "Like that's a valid reason. I'm sick of all your excuses Dion. If you ever tried to make this relationship work you wouldn't even think of cheating. I'm done, Dion. Don't bother contacting me because you sure as hell know that I will not bother to reach you back." I looked him in the eye one last time and turned around to walk to my car. The last thing I heard was his "Study Partner" screaming his name in an annoying tone.

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"HE DID WHAT?" I hear my friend Rachel say from the other line. "I SWEAR WHEN I SEE HIM NEXT I'M GONNA-" "Rachel don't even think about it."  "WHY THE HELL NOT? PAIN DOESN'T ONLY GO ONE WAY (Y/N)." I quietly sighed to myself. "Rachel can we just talk about something else please." "Fine but at one point I will beat him to the ground." "Well, hopefully, that won't be anytime soon." I chuckled as Rachel started to complain about her annoying boss at her part-time job.

"Well, I think I have to go now but it was nice talking to you," I said quietly. "Oh ok but remember that if you need anyone to beat up Dion, I'm your girl." "Don't worry I will always remember that Rachel." I hung up the phone. The main thoughts that were going on in my head were why was I so stupid. I thought that what we had could've been more. I knew that it would end at one point but I didn't expect it to be so soon. As these thoughts continued I slowly started to close my eyes.

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"WAKE UP!" I hear someone shout. My eyes shoot open in a panic. All that was in front of me was my mother. "What's happening?" I question. "School is about to be happening. You better get up and get dressed but don't worry I'll drive you." My mom said. As soon as she left I quickly rolled off of my bed to get ready. 

Once I got all of my stuff together I ran downstairs and out the front door to my mom's car. "Hopefully we make it on time." I heard my mother sigh under her breath. I pulled out my phone from my pocket to see if my friends had sent me anything important. The first thing that I see is an unknown message that sent "YOU WILL REGRET THAT". I was kinda freaked out about it since it was unknown. I quickly took a screenshot of the message and blocked the number. 

Over the next couple of minutes, I tried not to think too much about the message or about what happened between Dion and me last night. My thoughts were quickly disrupted by my mom telling me that we had arrived. I opened the car door and stepped out while waving goodbye to my mom. I watched as she slowly drove off to where ever the hell she was heading.

I lightly jogged over to where Rachel and Daniel were. Before I could make it over there I ran into something. The next time I open my eyes I'm on the ground. I sat up and the first thing that was in front of me was Dion's "Study Partner" looking me dead in the eye as she said "Oops. You should watch where you're going you know?" I was so close to giving her a friendly punch to the face. I had to contain myself though. My current goal is to not draw attention to myself and not give myself more attention than I can handle. I lightly smiled and said "Yea my bad. I should be the one to watch where I'm going. I'll try to consider your advice." I stood up and continued to walk toward my friends that were chatting in the corner.

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I fully caught Rachel and Daniel up to speed with everything that happened between Dion and I within the past 24 hours, and at this point, I don't even if it was a good idea to tell them or not. All three of us were walking to our next class which happened to be math. "Hey, guys I'll catch up later. Just gotta use the washroom." I say before turning around and lightly jogging to the restroom before any sort of accident happens. 

On my way there I noticed the infamous Dion with his "Study Partner". It wouldn't be that bad if I were to listen to their conversation right? I mean a little snooping never hurt anybody right?           I hid behind the corner and let my ears take the lead. 

"It hasn't even been a day yet and your already telling everyone that we are dating? Really Lindsay? I told you that you and I will never happen. Your only for pleasure nothing else, got it?"  "Last night you said that once she is out of the picture we can be together." I heard what I assumed was Lindsay say. "That was just to make you feel like your better than (Y/N)." "Really? Why do you care about her anyway? Anytime I was with you all you could say about her was that she was a no-good bitch that you found ugly. What happened to that Dion?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Part of me was glad that I broke up with him but a big part of me was hurt. Why was he saying all those things about me? All I knew was that I had to stop thinking about these types of things. I turned the corner as they continued their conversation. As I was walking I looked back at them. What surprised me was that Dion was looking right back at me. I tried to give him a friendly smile but in the end, it just turned out sad.

A/N: Sorry if there are any grammar/spelling mistakes in this chapter. I also hoped that you enjoyed it.

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