Bad Dog

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Next to Tiny there's another dog, a young Bulldog.

Pickles drools in his sleep.


"Not again! Seriously Pickles?" Steve Cabin, the dog's owner, said.

Pickles stopped chewing on a shoe and gave his owner the biggest weapon a dog can have:

The Puppy Dog Eyes.

Surprisingly, it didn't seem to work this time.

"Come on Pickles, you're to old for that trick."

Pickles then stopped.

What will his owner do now?

"Look Pickles, if this keeps going on, I might have to take you to the pound."

Pickles gasped.

"You're gonna have to learn to stop being a bad dog."

Bad dog.

Does words repeated on Pickles' mind.

*Dream over*

Pickles woke up stunned.

Was he really a bad dog?

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