Chapter 10

413 21 7

POV: Anna

I can't do this.

I know I said that I would try. I know I said I wouldn't give up.

But that was the breaking point.

I stormed to the bathroom and closed the door. I didn't even bother locking it.

I paced back and forth.

Shortly after, Kalel walked in. She locked the door behind her.

She walked up to me and grabbed my arms, "Calm down."

I yanked my arms away, "Calm down?! How can I calm down when he did this?!"

"He wasn't thinking. It's not his fault...."

"Yes it is! He was the one who did this to me! Ian wouldn't have ever done this!"

"He didn't want to see you go."

"He messed that up didn't he!"

I sat on the toilet. All the energy sucked out of me. "I can't do this Kalel. I said I would try....I said I would try....."

Kalel bent down in front of me, "Please....don't give up. It will crush me. I'll be losing you, and Anthony. He will never forgive himself if you take your life because of him."

"I can't...."

I stopped talking and just cried. I can't muster the strength to say anything else.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door, "Kalel?"

Kalel looked at the door and back at me, "Don't do anything stupid."

She got up and walked to the door. She unlocked it and walked out.

I made a split second of eye contact with Anthony before she pulled him away.

I saw sadness. He felt sorry.

His eyes were glassy. Tears streaming down his cheek.

I heard yelling. I listened in.

"You didn't have to do that!" Kalel yelled.

"I didn't want to lose her!" Anthony's vioce sounded like he was crying.

"If you wouldn't have lost her before you are going to lose her now! Anthony, she's in a lot of pain! Who knows how long she'll hold on?!"

"I didn't want it to go this far! I just thought she wasn't ready!"

"What do you know Anthony?! Nothing! There is so many things she hasn't told you! Just look into her eyes! There is suffering, pain, sadness, darkness.....secrets...."

"She tells me everything."

"Are you sure about that? She could be holding something. Something she doesn't want anybody to know."

I stopped listening.

I don't tell Anthony everything.

I trust him, but I don't trust him at the same time.

There are just some things that you can't tell anybody. Even if you trust them with your life.

I got up and walked to the doorway.

I peeked around the corner.

Anthony was on his knees, crying.

I almost felt bad for the guy.

But that's how it always turns out. My feelings towards him makes me want to give in. 

But I won't. I will not give in.

He did somthing I can never forgive him for.

He saw me and stood up, "Anna?"

I walked back into the bathroom and tried to close the door. But Anthony ran over and grabbed my arm.

"Anna please! Listen to me!"

I tried to yank my arm away, "No Anthony! I already heard! If you didn't want to lose me than you shouldn't have done that!"

"I was afriad Anna!"

"If you love me you would have let me go! It may be hard but you can't keep me forever! The worst thing you can do is keep me and make my life miserable!"

I yanked my arm and he let go of it easily. 

He had a expression of realization on his face.

I sighed, "Now, let my wolf and I mourn in peace. Losing a mate is worse than it seems...."

I pushed past him. I ran out the door and shifted at the end of the woods.

I needed somewhere to go. I needed a place where I can have private time to talk.

There is only one place I could possibly go for that.


I'm so so so so so sorry. I know I said i'd write more but....I failed. I'm sorry. I keep making promises I can't keep and it sucks. I'm not even going to promise that i'm going to write anymore. Life is going from good to bad over and over so i'll write when i'm in a good mood. Once again, I am so sorry. ='(

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