Winter Pt2

24 2 2

I could have lost myself

In rough blue waters in your eyes

And I miss you still

You stood in Loki's chambers. His scent lingering on every surface and fabric. You smiled to yourself as you looked over his bookshelves and writing desk. Everything was so neat and organised. Just the way he liked it. His room was exactly how you had pictured it. A grand and elegant room. Tastefully decorated in greens and golds. On his desk you saw the Polaroid camera. You walked over to it and saw a few pictures neatly stacked next to it. You quickly flipped through them smiling to yourself as you saw yourself through Loki's eyes. You knew there was no greater love than the love that you shared. You placed the camera and pictures down exactly where you found them and walked over to the beautifully ornate golden full length mirror.

You looked at yourself in the mirror. You barely recognised the girl looking back. The last few weeks had certainly taken its toll on you. Your skin was pale and there were subtle dark rings around your eyes. Too many nights sleeping in the office. You said to yourself as you poked and prodded your face. After today you hoped you would finally get a full night's peaceful sleep. You looked tired. Bone achingly weary.

Decked out in full Asgardian ceremonial wear you wore a deep forest green, Loki's green. Your dress flowed to the ground and was embellished in golden threads and beads that created a delicate pattern of creeping vines up the bodice. Your hair was pinned up with a few tendrils framing your face. On your head you wore a delicate, golden crown that resembled the vines on your dress. A fine black lace veil covered one side of your face. If the colours were white or even ivory you would have looked positively bridal. The Asgardians really did have a thing for head dresses. Philip Treacy would be beside himself here. You laughed to yourself as you recalled the amount of times you had heard Thor and Loki tease one another about their helmets.

"You look ravishing my love. Like a true queen." Your heart sang when it heard Loki's voice coming from behind you. You spun round and beamed at him. Giving him a twirl in your dress.

"It has pockets" You smile back. Placing your hands in your pockets you hold out the skirt of your dress and twirl again.

Loki breathes out a laugh and picks up the camera on the desk taking a snap of you. You began to strike silly poses as Loki continued snapping pictures. You both laugh and smile at one another. After a moment Loki's face turns serious and he places the camera down on the table.

"Are you ready for this, my heart." Loki spoke softly.

The smile fades from your eyes as you slowly shake your head. "No." You whisper. "Are you?"

"It's always been inevitable. This day would always come my love." Loki tried to force a smile.

You knew Loki had longed for the throne. It was always a sensitive subject. "You'll be perfect. You always are." Loki's smile finally reached his eyes. "I love you (Y/N). Never for one second ever doubt or forget that. It's time."

There was a soft knock at the door. You turned to see Nat, Tony and Steve standing in the doorway.

"It's time (Y/N)" Steve informed you. He looked very smart in his black suit so did Tony. Nat was beautiful as ever in a black tea dress. You nodded your head and took one last look in the mirror. You could see Loki in the reflection. He gave you a wink as you turned to walk out of the room with your friends.

"Don't forget the camera." You called back to Loki as you began walking down the hall with your friends.

Tony, Nat and Steve looked at one another a little confused. Tony shrugged his shoulders.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2022 ⏰

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