" i have you to myself "

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FORTUNATELY, BONNIBEL HAD no problems smuggling Marceline out of the library with her get-up, and she had released the cat into the toilet for Marceline to resume her human form. Unfortunately, the toilet was quite crowded due to it being lunchtime, and Bonnibel had no choice but to duck into a stall.

Now, standing nose-to-nose with Marceline, Bonnibel feels the heat creeping to her face uncontrollably. She was so close; she could smell that faint scent of strawberry that clung to her like a ghost, could almost taste the small smile that dances across her pink lips. It was almost tempting to lean in and seal that smug grin.

"Stall's pretty cramped," Marceline whispers, and the fanning of her hot breath on Bonnibel's face sends shivers up her spine.

"I can't afford to just have you transform when there are people here."

Marceline smiles triumphantly. "No matter, I have you to myself."

Bonnibel clenches her jaw to avoid slapping the living daylights out of the vampire directly in front of her right now as her back presses uncomfortably against the metal of the toilet roll holder. "Don't get too comfortable now."

Marceline was looking perfectly at home — hands on either side of Bonnibel's head against the wall. She smirks. "I think I'm fine where I am."

Bonnibel turns her head away from her as much as she could. She wants to raise her voice and yell out in annoyance, but there are other girls crowding by the row of sinks outside, laughing and giggling at the top of their lungs. How long more would she have to wait this out?

Marceline leans closer, and Bonnibel's breath hitches. The devil of her — Marceline knew she couldn't make even the slightest sound in response, lest they get caught. But, of course, Marceline didn't care about being found.

The gentlest of kisses was left on her forehead. So gentle that Bonnibel thought that she might have merely imagined it.

"Payback for Friday." Marceline grins, then morphs into a tiny rat, slipping out from under the slit of the stall door and dashing past the girls by the sink, who all let out a collective scream.

There's a series of footfalls and the creak of the restroom door swinging open forcefully, leaving Bonnibel to exit the stall and stare at the direction of which Marceline had bounded to.

Well, she supposes she could head back to class now.

The phantom of a kiss presses onto her skin. Bonnibel blushes hard, bringing her hand up to her forehead, then lets it fall, in a daze.

Her heart goes aflutter, and all she could think was —

Oh no.


Marceline lingers outside the door, fist raised in the air, debating if she should knock or no. She wants to know. She needs to know. And not as a cat, but as a human. Well...as much of a human as she is anyway.

She gathers her courage and knocks. There's a shout — something about giving five seconds — and a click, the door being pulled open to reveal Neddy, Switch in hand.

"Oh." He smiles, then turns over his shoulder. "Bonnie! Marcy's here!"

"Marcy is here?" Aunt Lolly approaches from the kitchen; she must have interrupted their dinner prep.

"Neddy, please put Aunt Lolly on a leash." Bonnibel is running down the stairs two at a time, her pink hair in a lovely bun, and she stops at the foot of the stairwell, giving Marceline a barren look. "Marceline."

"This is the friend you were talking about, yes? Who brought us on that tour?" Aunt Lolly turns to Neddy, who nods and closes the door behind Marceline when she's pulled in by their aunt. "I had a fun time, dear, though I can't seem to remember, for the life of me, where we went exactly."

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