i'm losing touch

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We all know the story of the vacillate siblings Thor and Loki, and many of us are also familiar with their wicked sister Hela.

But—and though some are indeed aware of this part, these are not the only of the trio, for they're not a trio at all.

There were many siblings and half siblings and step and adopted and so on so forth of the serpentine family—if you could even begin to call them that, and one of such, was Baldr Odinson.

Half brother of Thor, Baldr was the most well respected and beautiful of the gods. Wielding the representation of light, joy, purity, and the summer sun.

Baldr wed the ever revered Nanna Nepsdóttir: the devoted and loving goddess of joy, peace, the moon, and the summer's flowers, who followed in her husband's footsteps to his grave.

What, however, nobody does know, is that before Nanna's heartbreak caused her demise—in which she died on the pyre alongside her husband, and before her husband was killed with mistletoe from Loki's manipulation of Höðr—another one of Thor's brothers, she gave birth to two sons.

Forseti, being the one the Asgardians were familiar with and cherished, and the unnamed child, kept secret from their people.

Baldr was a god gifted with—amongst many of his abilities, the endowment of precognition, and whilst away on hringhorni—the greatest of all ships, he saw a vision. One of Loki, taking the shape of the golden god—himself, and lying with his unsuspecting wife.

By the time the god arrived to their home, it had been too late.

37 weeks later Nanna gave birth to the unnamed child, son of the deceptive Loki.

The couple feared what could become of a god harboring the power to bend both good and evil forces to their will. And even worse, what might happen if the child's father took him under his wing.

And so, Baldr and Nanna sent the child away to Midgard, leaving him wrapped in golden linen, and sitting in a basket in front of the house of a young woman.

Later, she had done her part in bringing the babe to the nearby fire station.

The couple never spoke of the boy, and therefore the other Asgardians went on to believe there was only one child born from the Nepr woman.

Meanwhile, Loki's plan was only to try and ruin the marriage of the sickeningly perfect couple. He stayed unknowing about having a son, and came up with a new—and this time more sinister, plan. The one which ended the life of Baldr entirely, and Nanna with him.

As for the unnamed child? Well, he was raised in an orphanage in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.

A prodigal genius, with an ethereal appearance, who was admired for his looks by many and envied by many more.

The woman who brought him there had called him Harley—a quick decision upon spotting a motorcycle across the street.

He believed himself to be a normal boy.

He listened to Dolly Parton and rock music, he attended church for a God he didn't believe in, and he went to school five days a week to learn what he already knew.

Sure sometimes he wondered how exactly he picked up on learning things so quickly, and why rooms visibly seemed lighter when he walked in, but these were things easily brushed off.

The most interesting thing to happen in his seemingly mundane life was when Tony Stark broke into the garage of the children's home.

It was when a twelve year old Harley—despite in full technicality not being allowed in, sat inside tinkering with an old hoverboard he found broken in the school's disposal. (He swore to his friend Gwen that he wasn't looking. It just... happened to be sticking out.)

The two crossed paths that evening, Harley helped Tony lay low for a couple of days for whatever reason unbeknownst to him, and when the man left, a great amount of charitable donations had been made to the home.

And since then, he hadn't seen the man. Hadn't even spoken to him. They both moved on with their lives.

Harley was now seventeen, and got by day to day with a normal routine.

He woke up in the morning, went to the mess hall to eat breakfast, left for school and spent the day with his friends Gwen, Joey, and Mike, then he'd go back to the home, do homework, head to the mess hall for dinner, mess around in his free time, then finally sleep and repeat. Gwen was the only one of the friend group that was in the children's home with him.

Soon he'd be turning 18, which would mean he'd leave the dormitory halls and move into one of the independent living apartments until he was 21 or could afford to move out.

It wasn't something he necessarily looked forward to, but it was the reality of his life, and he accepted it.

The dreams of being adopted into a lavish family like he'd seen in the "Meet The Robinsons" movie were left behind long ago.

He used to fantasize about Tony Stark coming back and adopting him, of being able to finally have a non-government-appointed last name, and a family. But that was years ago and it was silly thinking back on.

But regardless of how normal he viewed his life to be, how normal he viewed himself to be, the truth of the matter was that he wasn't. And it wouldn't be long before he himself found this out.

It would not be long before the golden haired boy discovered that he was the Asgardian god of eclipse.

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