1 - Cupid's Ultimate Magic

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It was one night away from Valentine's Day.

Desti went to E.Gadd's Lab for something. She knocked on the front door and E.Gadd opened it.

Desti: Hey, E.Gadd, is it? May-io, or whatever the hell his name was again, asked me to pick up an invention you made for him or something.

E.Gadd: Ah, yes. Come in.

Desti enters and they both walk into his main room.

E.Gadd: So, what do you think of the place? Pretty neat, huh?

Desti: Look, can we just hurry this up?! I wanna sleep early tonight!

E.Gadd: Alright, geez. I'll get it now.

Desti then saw something behind E.Gadd.

She saw a red teletubby, wearing glasses, in a cage.

She saw a red teletubby, wearing glasses, in a cage

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Red teletubby

Desti: ...okay, I'm just gonna say it... what the hell??

E.Gadd: Oh, that's a telly-tubby I've kept as my slav- I mean Lab assistant for years. His name is Mr. Gobbles.

Desti: ...just ....why???

E.Gadd: They once tried to take over the world, it was a whole thing.

Desti: Just get the thing already!

E.Gadd: Alright, I'm going. (Leaves the room)

Mr. Gobbles: ......

Desti: So... Mr. Gobbles... uh, what do you like?

Mr. Gobbles: (falls on the floor and passes out)

Desti: ...well, at least you're not annoying.

E.Gadd then came back with a paper bag.

E.Gadd: Alright, Mario's purchase is in this paper bag. Inside this is a spaghetti freshener. It makes a room smell like Spaghetti.

Desti: Why am I not surprised?

E.Gadd: I'll email Mario's bill to Luigi cause I know he's just gonna make him pay for it anyways. You can leave now.

Desti: Good.

Right before Desti was about to leave, she saw something else behind E.Gadd that got her attention.

She saw a covered glass bottle with a heart picture on it on top of a shelf.

Desti: Hey, uh, what's that on your shelf?

E.Gadd: Well, if you must know, that is an on-going experiment called 'Cupid's Ultimate Magic'. The abbreviation has nothing to do with it at all. Just thought it would be funny.

Desti: So what does it do?

E.Gadd: It's like a love potion. It's supposed to make someone fall in love with the first 3 people they see, specifically the ones with mustaches.

Desti: Why the first 3?

E.Gadd: Why not?

Desti: Eh, good point. Anyways, I'm gonna go now, so-

E.Gadd: Wait!! Could you do me a favor real quick?

Desti: (groans) Fine, as long as it's quick.

E.Gadd: I'm gonna get Mr. Gobbles' bath ready. Could you watch him and make sure he doesn't escape his cage?

Desti: You give your Lab assistant baths!?

E.Gadd: Yeah. Doesn't everyone?

Desti: I'll get back to you on that one. Also, he's passed out, in a cage! I don't think he'll be able to escape!

E.Gadd: Believe me, he has his ways. Just watch him, please.

Desti: But I wanna go to bed early!!!

After whining, she saw that E.Gadd already left the room.

She knew she had no other but to just watch him.

Mr. Gobbles: ......

Desti: Y'know, you're actually the first retarded-looking person I've met who's actually calm. If we were friends, I bet we'd get along just fi-

Mr. Gobbles: (instantly wakes up)

Desti: AAAHH!!!!

Being immediately frightened from him scaring her, Desti accidentally bumped into a shelf shaking it. It was the same shelf with the unfinished love potion, and it fell on Desti's head with it breaking and the potion spilled all over her, then she went unconscious and fell to the ground.

At this point, E.Gadd walked in back to the room seeing this.

E.Gadd: Mr. Gobbles, your bath is ready!! I have tubby custard in the fridge waiting for you if get in this ti-

E.Gadd ran quickly towards Desti checking on her.

E.Gadd: Uh oh, this isn't good! The potion fell on her and it wasn't even finished! When she wakes up, she'll instantly fall in love with the first 3 people with mustaches, including me! I don't want her like me! She seems mean!

She was quickly gaining consciousness and E.Gadd was freaked out. He then remembered he had a picture of Mario, Luigi and Smg4 on his table, so when she got up, E.Gadd quickly grabbed the picture and put in in Desti's face before she looked at E.Gadd.

E.Gadd: These are the 3 mustached men you'll fall in love with. Definitely not me.


Excitedly, she took the picture and the paper bag with the spaghetti freshener and left looking for them.

E.Gadd: Well, that solves that problem. Maybe I should call up those guys to let them know what I did... eh, they'll figure it out later anyways.

Desti the Love Freak (Valentine's Day Special 2022)Where stories live. Discover now