Chapter 5: Rivendell walks

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A month has gone by since we decided to join the fellowship, training is going well and the hobbits have started joining our practices. Today is our break day so myself and Chloe have decided to take a walk around the Rivendell gardens as it is such a beautiful day. Our memories of how we came to Middle Earth are still absent. Gandalf isn't always in Rivendell but last we saw him he said once we leave Rivendell our memories may soon come back. We leave for Mordor in a month. I'm excited for an adventure, to explore other areas of Middle Earth. But I am also terrified. I feel Chloe link arms with me as we walk, she could tell I was feeling fearful over leaving Rivendell. "We will have each other. And the fellowship" she consoles me. I nod looking at her smiling.

As we leave the gardens Chloe takes leave back to her chambers while I visit the stables. I have always been an animal person so I always seek comfort from them. I walk into the stables thinking it would be empty but it is not. I see Legolas tending to his horse. I smile watching him talk to it in elvish, as I walk over to a Rivendell horse before he notices me watching him. 

He turns around as he hears my footsteps

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He turns around as he hears my footsteps. "How come you are visiting the stables?" he asks walking away from his horse. I immediately hug the Rivendell horse I've named Belle "I always look to animals when in need of comfort I guess" I reply not looking at Legolas or I'll succumb to feeling nauseous.

 I immediately hug the Rivendell horse I've named Belle "I always look to animals when in need of comfort I guess" I reply not looking at Legolas or I'll succumb to feeling nauseous

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 I hear him walk closer to me, "why is it that you need comfort?" he queries again as I eventually look back at him. "I've never been out of Rivendell" I sigh, "you are all experienced warriors. I have nothing. I'm scared of what we may face" I continue looking back at Belle for support. Silence is in the stable as Legolas joins me in tending to Belle. "You are a skilled fighter. And you have the support of the fellowship with you every step of the way" Legolas finally speaks as we both reach out for the horse's food and accidentally touch hands making us jump and pull our hands back. I smile awkwardly as I let him carry on. "None of us are going to let anything bad happen to you. Remember that" he finishes as we carry on tending to Belle.

As we carry on throughout the stable laughing at some of the funny memories we have during our training practices, we realise we have tended to all the horses and we take our leave of the stable. "What is Mirkwood like?" I ask as we head back to the palace. Legolas looks down, "It is not the Mirkwood of old" he states as I look at him confused. "My home used to be called Greenwood. It was a beautiful woodland home to many woodland elves. My grandfather established a realm where wood elves worked together even with men. This responsibility was passed down to my father" Legolas explains as we stop walking as I'm too invested in his story. "Why is not called Greenwood now?" I mutter, "Mirkwood fell to darkness when Sauron's shadow was cast upon it. The rivers are full of spells for anyone that enters the wood. Spiders now live within the trees killing those that enter." Legolas finishes looking back at me and I see sadness in his eyes. "Once the ring is destroyed, Mirkwood will be able to return to the beautiful Greenwood right" I question as we start walking again, Legolas smiles at my optimism. "I would hope so" he says as we enter the great hall.

"Caitlin!" Pippin shouts as he runs over grabbing my arm and pulling me over to sit beside him on the bench as we wait for dinner. I keep thinking of Legolas' sad eyes when he spoke about his home falling into shadow. "What do ya think Caitlin?" I hear Merry ask breaking me out of my thoughts and not gonna lie I hadn't been listening. I look at the hobbits "um yeh" I say nodding as they look confused. Legolas and Aragorn start laughing as they knew I wasn't listening. "Sorry guys, what were you talking about?" I ask smiling innocently as Merry and Pippin look at each other with a mischievous grin. Soon I suddenly have Merry and Pippin diving on top of me tackling me to the ground as I fall off the bench, I scream as I fall but I can't help laughing as I hear the rest of the fellowship laughing at us. "Chloe help" I shout as she just watches laughing. Eventually they leave me alone as I sit back on the bench and tuck in to dinner.

As we finish dinner I hear Merry talking to Chloe, "where did you say you and Caitlin are from again?" I hear him ask. Chloe and I look at each other as we don't say anything. I see Legolas, Gimli and Boromir looking at us waiting for an answer. Aragorn knows of our story so he quickly intervenes, "are you ready to start training again tomorrow?" he questions as I let out a sigh of relief. "Yehhh I'm ready to beat you guys again" Chloe says eyeing up Gimli who always gets in a huff if we beat him. The conversations continue until we realise its dark out and we head to our own chambers. 

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