What this is

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Current Fics

I Will be continuing these Don't worry,

Zara's Story

Fully Planned

Zara's Beginnings

Mostly Planned

If you could look into the Future would you

Fully Planned Ish

I decided I am putting Mika in some of series 6/7 and then having him leave but Idk if Im extended the story with past companions after

Dead Fic

A future to be told (as said before if you want to try continuing this yourself please let me know)


I realized today that I had of Fic ideas for Mika and thought why not do a little Idea book and get your thoughts on them

So each chapter Is going to be a separate Story with a summary of each idea. Let me know what you think of the ideas and if you'd be interested in them.

If you like any of these and want to try writing them for yourself feel free to just let me know, please. There's a couple I won't offer up which I will say)

I'll also add more if/when I think of them

Mika Fic Idea bookWhere stories live. Discover now