Are We Truly Alone?

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Have you ever felt lonely? Well, I have. Everybody has dreamt of going further than this earth, I was a big dreamer when I was young, I dreamed about wandering the cosmos, exploring the unknown, I trained for years, I didn't give up to reach my goal. But they never trained me for a situation like this.
There's an immense sense of dread being in the empty vacuum of space. There's nobody to call for help, no way of communicating with anyone else and despite space being so open, it feels so claustrophobic. Of course, I should be safe within these space station walls, but I still feel incredibly uneasy, especially when there could be one of them Among Us...
"We're gonna need you to do a few tasks around The Skeld [our ship] as it's been slightly malfunctioning, nothing to worry about of course, just think of it as some chores" Red briefed I and the other 8 crewmates, "But, I've called this private meeting today because there is an imposter among us"
"That meaning...?" Blue questioned Red, raising an eyebrow, suddenly alert and suspicious of their environment.
"There's just a few, um how do I put it? Uninvited...? People trying to blend in, it'll be useful if you could figure out who it is but if you just get all your tasks done before they can do anything it'll be fine too!" Red claimed with uneasy enthusiasm, like a shady salesman, "Anyways, I'll assign you all your tasks to your tablet, you'll be rather far apart from each other most of the time and you'll find trouble in communicating with each other outside of the cafeteria, but the tasks are simple so communication won't necessary. You'll be departing in around 10 seconds."
"3" Why is the Skeld being invaded, what could they possibly want with us?
"2" Is Mira HQ going to be safe?
"1" Why are we being prevent from communication with each other?
"Good luck everyone." Cyan said before the doors swung open and we entered the cafeteria.

The cafeteria looked like it hadn't been used in years, what possible use could we have in doing maintenance on this place? The dull, uncoloured metal floor and walls boasted no reflection. Even the tables and chairs were entirely composed of metal, it was about as dull as dull could get. Everyone had seemed to have left the area before I could even notice except for Dark Green who inspected the area like a dog sniffing for treasure and soon found a panel hidden in the wall which turned out to be just for garbage disposal as when Dark Green pulled a lever next to it a variety of useless objects were ejected out the ship and a half full oxygen tank..? Oh well. I reached out to grab my Mira-manufactured tablet from my pocket- What's that?! I changed into a fighting stance... well the best I could do in my low weight space form. Oh. It's just the cold metal of my tablet. Embarrassed, I proceeded downwards out of the Cafeteria into a hallway whilst grabbing my tablet with a rather large brim to check which tasks I have. Conveniently enough, I was rather close to my task, "Swipe Card" which seemed to be located in Admin, which was to the right of me. This appeared to be the boss of this place's room, was I really authorized to be here? I felt rather uncomfortable as I reached to turn on the lights, I felt bad potentially invading this person's personal space. I flicked on the lights. The room was almost empty, no proof of any human presence in the past or future, the bare necessities were still in though, like it was occupied by a robot. I slowly approached the desk in the middle of the room and retrieved my Mira card from my wallet, I assume that's what I needed to use for the task. I stared at the picture within my wallet. I wonder how they're doing. My wife and my daughter, Haruka. I'll be back in no time, don't worry. Closing the wallet, I swiped my Mira card into the card reader, should be simple enough. The task was a success. I put my card back into my wallet and turned towards the door. A blue suit (the shade was impossible to tell as it was masked by shadow) appeared in the hallway outside the Admin room and suddenly stopped in their tracks to turn their head towards me. They took a menacing stride forward and stepped outside of the shadow. Pink. I backed up towards the wall as my heart vibrated the wall. I was trapped in a room with the only sounds being an irregular breathing pattern and my own heart beating, trying to claw out of my chest. An alarm rung. Pink turned around and walked out of the room and headed towards the cafeteria without uttering a word. I took a heavy sigh. I think that was one of the first times I genuinely feared for my life, I'm not sure what was so menacing about them breaking my solitary and approaching but I don't think I want to experience that ever again my life. Anyways, I should check out what the alarm in the Cafeteria was all about, it must be important.

"You're late, Black." Blue said to me whilst seated on the table in the middle of the cafeteria along with everyone else apart from Dark Green, who was nowhere to be seen.
Cyan went into an immediate panic despite their stoic attitude earlier, "Oh my god, body reported, it's so horrid and morbid!"
"What happened?" I asked. This must be the reason of Dark Green's lack of presence...
"T-the body. It was in half. D-damn what am I gonna do without him" Purple barely managed mumbled the words out their mouth.
"Without who?!" I demanded. My stomach turned just thinking of a death on this ship. "How could somebody even get murdered on this ship!? Does this mean there's a murderer among us!?"
"Dark Green." Orange said with immense grief in his voice. "I-I saw it happen. I'm sorry purple, I know how close he was to you." Purple didn't respond.
"Someone needs to repent for this." Purple said quietly.
"What?" Yellow said in shock. "Repent??"
"One life for another." Purple responded.
"Well? What did you see, if you don't mind us asking, Orange?" White questioned, seemingly with intention of seeing any suspicious activities to catch the imposter.
"It was hard to see but I think I saw a black leg walking away from the crime scene down south" Orange quietly said
"What do you have to say for yourself, black?" White questioned me with his poker face which made it hard to see if this was just an empty accusation or not.
"I wasn't even in cafeteria though? Unless you have evidence to prove otherwise? Infact, I did see blue run away from cafeteria seeming rather panicked soon before this meeting was called?"
"Is that so?" White asked.
"U-um I was running away from the body!" Blue responded in a panic
"Then why didn't you report it?" White retorted. "I think we should call a unanimous vote on blue"
My tablet was pinged rapidly, and the screen flicked into life. "6 people have voted Blue, do you wish to do the same" the screen read. I reluctantly pressed Yes, it wasn't going to change anything anyways but I felt a little guilt, I must admit.
"Purple, you handle the punishment."

I heard the doors to the vacuum of space open and Blue screamed like a madman, begging for his life but was slowly drowned out as he entered space. I turned to Cyan. "Now we just have to eliminate the rest."
. .
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