Chapter 1: Banquet

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A/N: I will attach an image of the proposed dress as I think it's stunning but the clothing isn't important to the plot. 

You'd been raised to believe you were perfect. No beauty flaws or room for mistakes in your behaviour. Nothing but perfection was tolerated, that is until your brother was born. You'd known you were the second best even before his birth, your father had shunned you from an early age wanting only a male heir to his throne and your mother had been all but absent until your sixteenth birthday where she reappeared to prepare you for a suitor. That's where you currently were, sitting at the front of a large hall wearing an all too expensive dress with a corset too tight around your waist, bored out of your mind. Your dress was gorgeous, a black corset around your waist separating the shoulderless, red silk sleeves from the short black dress falling from underneath. Uncomfortable leather, black heeled boots were up to your knees as you fidgeted your legs to fold over each other, sweat gathering along your calf.

There was a sudden boom as the hall doors swung open as your brother walked in, as obnoxiously loud as usual, covered in battle armour with not a trace of blood or scratching anywhere on the gold plating. "There's our hero! Honestly, dear he is such an angel!" Your mother gasped, turning to grab your father's hands in her own. With a slight roll of the eyes you once again scanned the room until your eyes found someone of interest. "Mother, I think I shall greet some of our guests?" You asked, turning to face your now scowling parent. "Do whatever I do not care." Came the reply as you slipped away from the long table.

"What is the infamous white wolf doing at my banquet?" You asked with a grin as you reached your targeted guest. "I wonder, honestly this is such a bore." Geralt replied with a sour look on his face. "I agree, these people are so obnoxiously full of themselves I would consider it unbelievable if I were not present right now." You agreed, "I do think no-one would mind if we both disappeared for a few hours." You continued, fingers whispering over his forearm. "It is your banquet princess I do believe people would mind. Lest there be search parties out for you." He countered. "Honestly, where is your sense of adventure Geralt?" Came your laughing reply.

End comment: This is just a teaser to see if people would be willing to read this? Please comment if you're intrested <3


Credits: MariaAmanda

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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