Chapter five: Cyber Bullly

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What is a cyber bully? Is it simply just someone who calls you mean and hateful names? Is it a person who discourages you. Well, since I never went to school I never understood it. So when it happened to me. I didn't know what to do. What should you do.

I was so excited when I got my laptop. I ran to my room after a talk about internet safety, but with out many friends why should I be worried? I didn't know then that I was a class clown.

I guess people that I don't know, know me. How? I guess me being me, my name is bound to get out sometime. The cyber bully almost caused me to drink again. I guess the stress was well almost to much, but luckily Elli reminded me of the happiness of soberness.

Before the bully....

I was so excited to make a Facebook and everything else. I just couldn't wait. I looked online for good websites, and I found one called "Cybertime". I looked on it. It was awesome. When I made my account there was a friend request. I looked at their profile. When I got a message. It read,

"You're dead."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2015 ⏰

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