the letter

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Tw- homophobic slurs

Cassie and her recently-graduated sister, Mary, arrive at the platform flustered, followed by Lily Evans and Marlene McKinnon.

They had been ready to leave but, as per usual, they had been delayed by waiting for Marlene and Lily to get ready; Mary having insisted that they come. She didn't really need them at Hogwarts, Cassie tried to convince herself. It was her first year without her sister and she was sure that her absence would affect her greatly.

"i'll miss you" she manages to choke out, pulling Mary into a tight hug, proceeding to do the same to the other two girls.

Cassie was about to say something else but she was interrupted by a squealing noise from behind her and she turned around to see her best friend, Alice Fortescue. She was pulled into a bone-crushing hug and laughed softly, grateful for the distraction, even if it was only temporary.

She had known Alice since her first train-ride to hogwarts and they clicked instantly. Alice had a bubbly and uplifting personality and never seemed to give a fuck, whereas Marcella was the sensible one, although she had her moments where she was reckless. Their characteristics bounced off eachother, but there always seemed to be a piece missing. That was where Dorcas came in, the classy Slytherin that completes their trio.

"Have you seen Dorcas anywhere?" Cassie wondered outloud as she was released from the hug.
"No you're the first i've seen? Shall we look on the train for her?" Cassie nodded in response and they, almost simultaneously, boarded the train.

The train was somewhat divided into five sections. It wasn't official but there were the Slytherins, Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, Gryffinfors and there was one carriage that left behind all the inter house rivalries and was filled with a mixture of all houses.

The three girls usually occupied a compartment in the latter, but it was even more dangerous considering they had to pass through the Slytherins; the girls being an easy target to be called slurs, such as mudblood. Marcella visibly shivered at the thought of it and shook the Slytherins from her brain.

They neared their usual compartment and slid open the door, finding Dorcas with her knees pulled up to her chest, warm tears slowly falling down her cheeks. Alice quickly scrambled over to her, while Marcella was still stationary with shock.

"It's okay darling" cooed Alice, her soothing voice calming down the sobbing girl instantaneously.

"What's wrong love?" said Marcella , snapping out of her previous stage of shock.

Dorcas gestured to a piece of paper tossed onto the opposite seat and Marcella cautiously read it through while Alice was still cradling Dorcas.


You are a disgrace to this family. First of all you are a freakish witch, the factor that we chose to overlook, and now you are a lesbian? You are not welcomed back to this home and we don't expect to hear from you.

You have disappointed and tainted the family line.

i hope this letter finds you,
Ms. Meadows.

Dorcas' parents were muggles, yet still the horrible kind. They were rich and snobby and all they cared for was dorcas having a son and continuing the family line. It seems that this summer Dorcas worked up the bravery to tell them about her forbidden relationship with Marlene, which they didn't appreciate.

"she can't even call me her daughter" cried dorcas. Neither Marcella nor Alice knew what to say. So instead they enveloped her into hug, not letting go until they arrived at hogsmede.

It seemed that Head girl duties were forgotten, something that would impact Marcellas Head-boy counterpart, Regulus black.

607 words- i'm not sure what to think of this story do lmk what you think. Im king very good at writing so please excuse any mistakes on my part.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2022 ⏰

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