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Hailee's POV

Y/n went back to her room. "shit, fuck, what did I do", I say to myself.

I get all of my things together as we are headed to Rome today for another 2 dates, I'm super buzzed. After about an hour I'm ready to go, all my stuff is packed and I'm changed. The hangover starts to hit even more. I knock on y/n door. She opens it. "hey I'm almost done just 5 minutes", she says. "that's okay, can I wait with you until you are done", I ask. "yeah sure, you don't have to ask Hailee", she says smiling. I smile and close the door after me.

Her suitcase is open on the bed. "you need help", I offer. "yeah could use it", she says. She grabs her stuff from the toliet and I grab her stuff on the chair. I organise her bag for her. "why thank you you didn't have too", she smiles. "do you have your passport", I ask. "yeah should be in the front pocket there", she says. I open the front pocket of her suitcase and pull out her passport. Something else comes out of that pocket too. It's a folded sheet of paper. I open it quietly and it seems to be Lyrics for something. I put it in my pocket. "yeah the passport is here", I say. "grand, think I'm done just need to grab my charger", she says.

We get to the airport in Milan and are met by paparazzi. I don't think y/n likes them. When we get in we check in our bags along with my team. My parents fly back home today. Y/n went to the toliet and I waited with my parents. "hailee, she's a lovely woman", cheri says. "I'm with yout mum honey", Pete says. "she's pretty great", I say blushing a little. "honey, I see it", cheri says. "see what", I ask. "the look hun", cheri says. Y/n walks back toward us. "we better be going the flight is soon", Pete says. We give hugs and kisses and say our goodbyes. Y/n comes over. "I got us coffee", she smiles. "y/n was lovely to meet you, make sure to have a good time", my parents tell her. She gives them a hug each. "thank you guys for being so lovely with me", she says.

We are sitting at the gate waiting to board our flight to Rome. "thank god its only less than an hour, I despise flying", y/n says. I turn to face her. "really", I ask. "yeah makes me real nervous", she says. "I used to be but I fly a lot now so I got over it", I say. "I'd like to be like thag one day too", she says.

We get called for boarding. Our seats our at the back of the plane. Hailees team sits in the row in front of us. The row next to us is empty. I let y/n take the window seat to try to help her conquer her fear. It's almost take off time and her leg starts to shake pretty fast. "you okay", I ask worried. "yeah ill be grand, don't mind me", she says. We get onto the runway and she starts  shaking. I notice straight away. I grab her hand and put one hand on her leg. "I'm sorry I just don't like takeoff", she says trembling. "I'm here it's all gonna be fine", I reasure her. The plane speeds up and goes down the runway. Y/n squezzes my hand and the shaking gets better. The plane takes off and she starts to control her breathing. I still am clenching her hand. She relaxes a little. "fucking terrifies me everytime", she says. "how did you do it on the way to Milan by yourself", I ask. "I thought of you and did the same there, it helped me relax", she said. Not even joking but my heart skipped a beat. "that's so sweet, awhh, so nice", I say. "I'm gonna try to sleep if that's okay, I'm wrecked", she says. "me too, can I lean against your shoudler", I ask. "of course", y/n says as she leans against the window. I lean against her shoulder still holding her hand letting her know that I was there for her.

We got to Rome a short time later. We got off the plane, got our bags and left. My driver was waiting outside and of course so were the paps. We both looked a little rough after a night of heavy drinking. We got into the car and drove away.

We got to the hotel, it was GORGOUES. We got showed our rooms and unpacked our stuff for the next couple of days. I caught up with y/n in the hallway. "I've got some press to do but I'll be back around 3 and then we have the rest of the day to chill and do whatever,so I'll see you later", I say.

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