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Kambe gets to the bottom of the stairs. Y/n flicks on the light.

Kambe watched as the lights flickered on, and there were...

Sexy toys. A corner of the room was sex toys, the other corner was exercise equipment and weights, the other side was a bunch of boy love manga.

"See, nothing down here. You can still search, just don't be too loud. My nephew's sleeping."

"What's your nephew's name?" Kambe asked.

"Dominic." Y/n says. Y/n went back up the stairs.

Kambe looked through the items, but found nothing. Kambe took one of the boy love mangas, and went back upstairs.

"I'm going to spend the night here." Kambe announced.

"Yeah, yeah, go take the couch." Y/n waved off.

"Actually, I'm working with you tonight."

Y/n sighed. "Come on, then. I just found something worth talking about."

Kambe sat next to Y/n. Y/n showed Kambe him computer.

"I can't tell his exact location, until he streams again, but, he's in this town. So, that's a good start." Y/n smiled.

"You just need the signal from his computer?" Kambe questioned.

"Yup." Y/n nods. "After that, everything will go be in place to find him."

"Do you have a computer I can borrow?" Kambe asked.

Kambe was referring to Dominic's computer.

Y/n shook his head. "Nope, sorry. And besides that, why do you need to borrow a computer? You could literally buy a computer company."

Kambe opened his mouth, but Y/n cut him off.

"You're trying to get into Dominic's computer. Look, dude. He's four years old. He makes games. There's nothing on that computer other than small indie games he has made."

"Let me look through yours." Kambe states.

"Oh, no, no, no. You don't go through my personal computer. Nope. Never." Y/n instantly denied.

He turned off his computer, and held it close to his chest.

"What's on the computer, L/n?" Kambe raised a brow.

"Look, dude." Y/n sighed. His face held a light blush. "It's smut."

"Smut?" Kambe questioned.

"Sex." Y/n huffed.

"So you masturbate." Kambe mumbled.

"I prefer the phrase, relieve myself." Y/n tells Kambe. "And don't act like you don't do it too."

"I don't." Kambe states.

"What?" Y/n was in utter shock.

"You don't masturbate?"

"I don't have the time."

"Wow." Y/n was in disbelief. He knew some people didn't masturbate, but he was expecting Kambe to. Well, he guessed Kambe did, as well. "Why are you telling me this?"

"I don't know..."



"Well. This was a nice chat, but I have work in the morning. Good night, cutie." Y/n winked at Kambe, and then went to his bedroom.

Kambe remembered the futon in the closet. He gets the futon, and lays it down on the living room floor, and falls asleep.

Y/n made sure to lock his bedroom door. Y/n charged his laptop. He laid on his bed, and slept.


Y/n left his bedroom at 4 am. He went to Dominic's room, like every morning. Dominic was an early riser to work on more games, and Y/n helped before work.

This time, he found Dominic and Kambe at the computer. Y/n was pissed but he didn't snap. He rarely snapped in front of Dominic. But today, Dominic was wearing a disguise. Y/n recognized the disguise, but Y/n didn't want to assume anything.

Dominic looked at Y/n. "Daddy Y/n!" Dominic cheered. "Me and Kambe-san are on a live stream. We have a bunch of viewers!"

Kambe looked at Y/n with a blank look. "Check your phone."

Y/n looked at his phone. Damion was live. And his location?

Pinpoint Y/n's house.

"I found Damion." Kambe looks at Dominic.

Dominic giggled. "You caught me, Daddy Y/n!  Kambe-san!"

Y/n was shocked. He didn't expect it to me his nephew. Never in a one hundred years would he have thought it was Dominic.

"End the live stream." Y/n tells Dominic.

"Huh? But we're almost at 1 million views!" Dominic whined.

"Now!" Y/n snapped.

Dominic tensed up. Dominic said goodbye to his viewers. Kambe waved goodbye, and the live stream ended.

"Kitchen." Y/n walked away without another word.

Dominic took off his disguise. He could tell
Y/n's was pissed off. Kambe kept a calm face. Dominic walked to the kitchen, with Kambe walking after him.

Y/n was making some tea, as the two sat in the dining which was attached to the kitchen.

"Do you two want tea?" Y/n asked in a calmer voice.

"I-i'll take some..." Dominic mumbled.

"I'll have some as well." Kambe answered.

Y/n poured three cups of tea. He took the tea to Dominic and Kambe. Y/n leaned against the sink, and drank his own tea. It was silent as the three slipped on tea.

"Dominic." Y/n called out. He broke the few minutes of silence.

"Yes..?" Dominic responded a bit afraid.

"You're four, and the age of criminal responsibility is fourteen, so you're off the hook by law. But with me, and Gleena, you're not off the hook." Y/n spoke gently, but firmly. "I can't give you a punishment, but we will be talking to Gleena about it."

"Yes, Daddy Y/n..." Dominic mumbled sadly.

"And Kambe." Y/n glared at Kambe. "Stop meddling in my personal life. Go home."

Kambe finished his tea. "I got all the information I need, anyway. Have a good day, L/n. Bye, Dominic."

"Bye Kambe-san!" Dominic waved goodbye.

Kambe left the house. Kambe got to his car, and drove home.

Y/n got Dominic ready for daycare, and got himself ready for work. Y/n was not ready to see Kambe at work yet, but there was nothing he could do.

Y/n got Dominic dressed and had his backpack. They walked to the bus station, and rode to the daycare. Y/n stared out of the window. Dominic was laying down, asleep, with his head on Y/n's lap. Y/n gently stroked Dominic's hair.

"Kambe..." Y/n muttered. "Why?"

Computer Guy | Kambe Daisuke x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now