Chapter 1: Coffee Does Not Go with Ice

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A young girl with brown hair was running through crowds of people, stopping at almost every store. Skye and Loki were following closely behind. Both, despite being asgardian, had chosen to wear casual clothing for the treacherous shopping occasion. Loki had chosen a pair of long black jeans with a dark green shirt. His hair has been pulled back in it's usual sleek fashion. Skye, had long blonde hair and green eyes, which she used a light green top, resting just over her hips to compliment them. Below, she wore a pair of long black skinny jeans and a pair of black boots. Both looked exhausted from running after Darcy all morning.

"Uh, Darcy?" asked Loki, pacing after the young girl who was practically sprinting to every store.

"Yep?" She answered, stopping a few feet before turning around to face them.

"I don't want to intrude on your joy for Midgardian shopping spree, but do you think this is more than enough?" He and Skye lifted their arms up to reveal several bags labelled with every store they had visited that morning.

"Nothing is enough if you have the mighty piece of Earth's relic that we named, the Credit Card!" She lifted a small plastic card out of her back pocket, before showing it to Skye and Loki, both looking rather tired from following their friend all morning.

"And where, exactly, did you get that?" asked Skye, clearly annoyed at her friend.

"SHIELD! I finally got paid! After long painful hours of researching and making coffee and driving around and tasering creepy guys, I deserve it!"

"That does not belong to you, does it?" asked Loki, sighing. 

"No it does not!" snapped Skye. "Darcy, you can't steal credit cards! Don't you know SHIELD tracks practically everything that's theirs?!"

"Look," she said with a sigh, "it's the holidays, besides I needed a break! And this", tucking the card back into her pocket, "is my way of getting one."

She gave them her best smile, before turning on her heel and walking off in the opposite direction. They sighed, before heading after her. It was merely minutes until they had agreed to meet with the rest of the Avengers, but at the rate they were going, it would be years before they caught up with anyone.

Darcy had been eager to go shopping all week. The holidays had finally begun and it was early that morning that the great debate began over who got to take Darcy shopping. Everyone argued over whose turn it was but it was eventually decided that Loki and Skye should be the ones to take her. Although they had protested and made several attempts to wriggle their way out of it, they had been pushed to go with Darcy and now they were regretting it more than ever. She had been up at the crack of dawn, getting ready and ushering Skye and Loki to do the same.

"Darcy!" called Skye, hurrying after her and almost knocking over a chubby man who had been talking on his cell phone. He gave them a strange look before turning back to his phone. They continued sprinting until they finally caught up with her. She had stopped in front of one of the shops eagerly wanting to go inside.

"Darcy! We have been running after you for ages!" puffed Skye, exhausted from chasing her around the shops. "Darcy!"

"What?" She turned to face Skye. "I was just having a look around," she said innocently, batting her eyelashes like a 5 year-old child.

Skye rolled her eyes at her friend before checking her phone. They were already 5 minutes late for their meeting. "Um, where is Loki?" She turned around, facing the direction she had come from but there was no sign of him. Darcy, seemed to be in another world, staring up at the mannequins in the window. Grabbing her arm, Skye dragged her friend back into the crowd of people.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Apr 10, 2015 ⏰

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