A date with a Grape

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Today is a good day, the sun is shinniny, the birds are chirping, your farm is prospering, everything is great. Everything is perfect right? Unfortunately for you, Your boyfriend Thanos has been gone on a mission to save the galaxy. Who knew saving the galaxy would take so long *rolls eyes*
You really just wanted to spend a day cozying up to your boyfriend, cuddling on the couch watching the sun set over your farm. Luckily for you he left you one of his fat ass oversized hoodies who even knew they made them in that size...regardless he left you His hoodie the one that smelt of grapes and shit the one you loved so much, you went into your sharred bedroom with him and went to his side of the closet and you yanked that bitch off the hanger and aggressivly sniffed it and sighed happily, the way the intoxicating aroma filled your lungs was all that you needed to make your life worries go away even if it was for a short amount of time. You loved it but your time was cut short by a bright beam shooting down from the sky destroying your crops. You quickly threw the shit amd grape smelling hoodie and ran down your stairs and into your field and beat their ass for destroying your crops. Instead He stood in front of you, the man youve been longing for, none other than your shit and grape smelling bald headed ass of a boyfriend.....Thanos. You quickly run up to him and jump into his arms and hug him as he hugs you back, you two share a kiss then he gently sets you down. You two share a moment and look lovingly into each others eyes then you speak.


You scream with tears beginning to fall down your face.

Y/n: you left me all by my self...i was scared you would never come back-

Purple shit: I'm sorry...i. Hadn't expected to be gone for so long. I missed you so much while I was ruining the entire MCU franchise

Y/n: The what?

Thanos: nothing-

Y/n: *does rock face*

Thanos: i rather not speak about it

Y/n alright I wont bother you about it

Thanos: thank you

You two share a loving kiss and return to your shared house and eat some weird ass alien food, sharing stories back and forth ofc you thought his stories were shit but you decided to bite your tongue and keep your opinion to yourself then you remembered you have a surprise for him. You stand up and take his hand going to your living room but then outta nowhere a blonde badass lady bursts through your door beating the shit outta your bf, then a fat ass but awesome god comes in and slices your bfs head off, you look at his de headed body and start SHIDDIN and FARDIN and then they kidnap you and make you realise he was a shit person and you deserve better.

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2022 ⏰

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