Sadly, It's just a dream

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I had a dream
Of you and me
Dancing under the moon
It was a prom night
And i was your girl

It's crazy how dreams can be so realistic,
you leaned closer to me,
I can hear your heart beat,
I can feel your breathing,

As our skin gets touch,
It felt so true that i forgot it's just a dream
Why am i dreaming about you?
I don't even know you
Oh maybe its just an imagination
But no,
I saw how happy you are that night,
The way you smiled at me,
We laughed, we talked
Along the lovely music in the crowd

My heart was racing too fast,
Butterflies in my stomach started to get wild
I wanna know you
So you told me your name
I don't know how should i explain that feeling,
Of being in your arms that night

As we were dancing,
I saw a shadow of a man,
Walking like leaving me with no goodbyes
I don't know him
He don't know me
We're totally strangers,

As i watched that man walking towards the moon
He disappeared out of nowhere,
I get tempted watching him leave
That i forgot about you and me

As the man's shadow disappeared,
I look at you and found nothing,
Where did you go?
I was wondering,
Was it you?

I tried to find you in the middle of that night
What is happening??
Said i,
All the faces in the crowd started to disappear
Like how you leave
I don't understand,
What's it all about?
You left me with so many unanswered questions
I need answers right now
Why did u disappear?
Are you real?
Wait, is this real?
Sadly it was just a dream

Now I'm sixteen,
I hate dreaming about something,
Dreams aren't real
Tho they felts so real
But I'm still hoping,
That one day
The two of us
Will meet again
But not just in dreams

(PS) Ito ay hango sa aking hindi makakalimutang panaginip.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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