1 || Just a normal day.

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nothing that interesting happens in this chapter. just a review on what's going on BEFORE everything else happens.

also , this takes place in Mondstat. considering, i don't know where else tbh , this also happens before you enter Liyue.

btw, you and aether are just partners, there will be no lovey dovey stuff yet, alright bae?

It was a normal day for you, Paimon, and your partner, Aether. By partner, you didn't mean boyfriend, you meant it as traveling partner, y'know? All three of you were doing a commission given by the Adventurers Guild, which was to go and fight off hilichurls."[Y/N]! Hey! C'mon! We have to go to the Adventurers Guild to see if there's any more commissions today!" You heard a familiar voice yap at you. It seemed you weren't paying attention as you were holding your weapon.

"Are you alright?"Another familiar voice had asked, Aether. "Yeah, I'm perfectly fine, don't worry about it." You said as you put your weapon away. "So! Adventurers Guild?" The first voice had asked, Paimon. "Adventurers Guild." You had replied back. You saw Paimon and Aether begin walking back to what looked like, the dirt road back to Mondstat. So, you began to follow them, You don't wanna get left behind now!

"So, how have you been for now?" Paimon asked you, "I'm alright. After all, I've been hanging out with you and Aether for the past, I don't know, months?" You heard a chuckle. "Even I can't remember how long we've been together." Paimon giggled. You then saw Aether begin running. "Hey! Wait! Let me catch up!" Said Paimon, as she began to fly faster. "You're leaving me behind!" Followed after. You began laughing as you started running after them. Man, they're really having fun with you.

Time passed, you all then reached the bridge entering to the gate of the city, there was Timmie, standing at the edge of the bridge, feeding the pigeons, like always. "Hello Timmie!" Paimon said, "You scared the pigeons away!!" Timmie exclaimed as the pigeons were in fact flying away.  "We're sorry, Timmie, we didn't mean to."  Said Aether, beside you, as he looked at Paimon, making a 'are you kidding me' expression.

"Alright, well, we're gonna get going now!" You said as you just wanted to get away from Timmie before he started getting feisty with you and the others about the pigeons. "Bye!" Timmie said as you and the other two walked away, going to the gates.

As soon as you reached the gates, you were all greeted by the guards, in response, you made a friendly wave. They knew you meant hi. You and Aether walked close as Paimon sat on your shoulder. You then reached Katheryne. "Ad Astra Abyssosque, welcome to the Adventurers Guild. What can I do for you today?" The nicely dressed lady said peacefully. "Hello Katheryne, is there any more commissions?" You asked her." "There is one more for today! I believe you need to go near Brightcrown Mountains. I don't know what else there is related to onto it, but, that's the request! Hopefully that is helpful. Come back again tomorrow to do more commissions." She was gentle with her words.

"Alrighty! Let's start soon. First, let's go to Angels's Share!" Suggested Paimon. "Sure, what for though?" Aether asked. "To go talk to Master Diluc! I think he's gonna be here today!!" Exclaimed Paimon, you agreed to go. So, onwards you went, to the other side of the city, reaching Angel's Share.

word count: 587 words (not counting this part)i hope you enjoyed this part! ill work on the next part soon. forgive me if this is too short. i know some other stories can have longer chapters. see you soon.

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