Archer gay date

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Archer and Michael were on a date in some fancy restaurants like El cholo

Archer blushed at Michael

Archer said "Have you been here Michael?"

"Yes I have with my dead ugly dad You?"

"No" Said archer as they play with there fingers

"What's good here" Said Archer

"The arroz con queos" said Michael (im Mexican my Spanish is bad;-;)

"You know your Spanish" Said archer

"Yeah I'm practicing 😊" Said Michael

"Well Michael I can be your beaner yk yk😉" Said Archer

Michael blushed

*The Server brang out the food but the Server was Nicki manji*

"Omg Nicki is that u" said archer

"Yes I am Nicki Manji listen to my new single Do We Have A Problem"

Archer and Michael ate the food

"That was good Michael I'll pay"

"No no I'll pay" said Michael

*Michael payed

"Thank you for this date lets do this again" said archer

"Yes let's plan another one" said Michael

*Archer walked home and got ready for bed


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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